Front End Programmer - Chris / @Cigatronix
Back End Programmer - OverHash / @OverHash
Modeler - Trenton / @Not_Nert
This thread is used to display organized information relating to Science Simulator updates and events.
Project Status: Discontinued
Update Archive
Update 28 (2/4/2022)
New Permanent Content:
- Players who purchased the
Auto Rebirth
,x2 Rebirths
, and+2 mutations
game passes will receive in-game compensation when they next join! - New Robux pet “Caracal” for R$199.
- New Robux pet “Sunrise Ninja” for R$599.
New Limited Content: - New World > “Celestial Lab” → Purchase in lobby FREE!
- New Currency > “Vials”
- Event Shop
→ 6 hours of x2 Luck Boost
→ Limited Legendary Pet “Toxileki”
→ Limited Legendary Pet “Thunder King” - New Egg > “Tube Egg” (3 easy secrets, 3 hard secrets)!
- New Egg > “Power Egg” (1 easy secret, 1 INSANELY hard secret)!
- New Robux Pet “Gamer Cat” for R$199
- New Robux Pet “Blowfish Emoji” for R$399
Update 27 (1/28/2022)
New Permanent Content:
- Players who purchased the
Auto Rebirth
,x2 Rebirths
, and+2 mutations
game passes will receive in-game compensation when they next join! - New Robux pet “Caracal” for R$199.
- New Robux pet “Sunrise Ninja” for R$599.
New Limited Content:
- New Egg → “Ninja Egg” for 25k Research in the Lobby world (2 Secrets)!
Updated Content:
- Pet Enhancements time was reduced by half.
- Competitive leaderboards will now show your competitive stats in live-time.
- The game pass shop now automatically scales (fits all screens)!
- The boosts shop now automatically scales (fits all screens)!
- New boost icons for each boost.
- Secret pets can no longer be deleted via Multi-Delete.
Bug Fixes:
- Craft-All should now work as intended.
- Delete-All should now be much faster.
- Teleport interface now scales properly.
Dev Notes
At the moment we are aware of a few issues within the game. Our Quality Assurance and Development team are working hard to stay informed as to what issues players are encountering while playing the game. We are actively trying to fix these issues. On another note, we have some awesome content coming up within the next few updates -
Update 26 (1/23/2022)
New Permanent Content:
- Competitive leaderboards are now released! The top 10, 50, and 100 players each week will get seasonal rewards such as boost AND pets! Seasons will reset and the rewards will change monthly.
- New “Faster Clicking” game pass (R$99) → Allows players to click x1.25 faster!
- New “Teleportation” game pass (R$99) → Allows players to teleport between all the different worlds!
New Limited Content:
- New “Egg of Hope” in the lobby. A fascinating secret pet awaits you in this egg, one that the entire community will love!
Updated Content:
- Pet Index now allows players to view the shiny indexes of each egg!
- Eggs in the pet index will now show in the proper order (They showed in order before, but it was still kind of messed up)
- Pet frames are now uniform across the entire UI and scale better across all devices. More improvement with scaling will come in the future as well.
- All rank icons have been updated!
- The player overhead information tag has been updated and is now responsive to user data
- Purchasing the pet equipped upgrade in the shop will now update your pet inventory display in real-time.
Bug Fixes:
- Search bar in pet inventory is now fixed.
- Gifting game passes fixed
- Visual bug of pets disappearing from inventories fixed!
- Player overhead information tag disappearing has been fixed!
Upcoming Content:
- Reimplementation of “Shrink/Expand” functionality in pet inventory
Update 25 (1/16/2022)
New Permanent Content:
- New Feature → “Pet Index Rewards”. Claim currency and boost rewards for collecting all normal and shiny variants of all pets within each egg! Also, claim a pet reward for collecting all the normal variants of each pet of all permanent eggs within each world (A total of 9 index reward secret pets)!
- New Leaderboard → “All-Time Currency”
- New Leaderboard → “All-Time Time Played”
- New Egg → “Deception Egg” (Prisma Realm)
- New Egg → “Chaos Egg” (Prisma Realm)
New Limited Content:
- New Egg → “Fancy Egg” (In the lobby)
Updated Content:
- The pet index interface has been completely revamped and reorganized.
- The leaderboards have been completely revamped. Leaderboards are now responsive and interactive!
Bug Fixes:
- Player selection list in the information interface has been fixed!
- Player selection list in the trading interface has been fixed!
- Enhancement rerolls fixed
→ Previously when selecting the enhancement of a reroll, it would always choose the new multiplier even if you decided to keep your current enhancement multiplier. This has been fixed. - Stats updating responsively in the player information interface
→ Previously when viewing another player’s stats, the stats shown would be incorrect due to the interface responsively updating to your data changes. This has been fixed!
Upcoming Content:
- Competitive leaderboards are coming! Seasons will last 4 weeks, and rewards will be handed out at the end of each season! The competitive leaderboards will reset every week, and the top 10, top 50, and top 100 players of each competitive leaderboard for each week of the season will receive rewards!
Update 24 (1/10/2022)
New Permanent Content:
- New feature → “Enhancement Rerolls”. Once you’ve reached the highest rarity of enhancement on your pet, you will have the opportunity to reroll that enhancement! Every time you reroll, the secondary currency required to purchase the reroll increases. Once you’ve reached the maximum currency, which would be dark crystals, you can no longer reroll the pet.
New Limited Content:
- New egg → “Christmas Crystal Egg”
- All world costs were reduced to
temporarily to allow people to set up alt accounts. This is a temporary thing, and will only last until Update 25!
Updated Content:
- Christmas Event Shop has been restocked!
- Christmas and 2021 egg pet multipliers greatly increased
- Reduced requirement of leveling up pets
- Secret pets can no longer be deleted!
- Auto Hatch upgrade cost nerfed! This upgrade also costs
now. - Chances of
Ultimate Present
andDark Illuminosity 2.0
were halved. They’re out for only 1 more week!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed boost display showing
whenx2 Luck Live Event
is active - Fixed shiny pet stat displays (Now shows correct multiplied stats)
Upcoming Content:
- Pet Index Revamp and Rewards → Along with the interface revamp, you will be given rewards such as pets, currencies, titles, etc. when you complete certain milestones in the pet index!
Update 23 (12/31/2021)
New Permanent Content:
- New game feature → “Pet Enhancements”. You can enhance your pets to get a variety of different enhancement types. The more you enhance, the higher rarity of enhancement you will get. Once you’ve obtained an enhancement rarity equivalent to your pet’s rarity, you will be able to reroll. (Rerolling is temporarily disabled for a few days while we test it a little more, but it will be out by update 24 at the latest).
New Limited Content:
- New egg → “Present Egg”. This egg is available for 15k
in the limited world “Christmas Village”. - New egg → “2021 Egg”. This egg is available for 15k
in starting world “Lobby”.
Updated Content:
- Pet displays have been revamped, as many did not like the approach we originally took when the revamp was released.
- The pet information display (info box that shows up when you hover or touch on a pet display) has been revamped, as many did not like the approach we took when designing this feature.
Bug Fixes:
- Previously, when a player would view their pet stats, and then either equip/unequip or lock/unlock their pet, their pet stat display would show the pet stats as if it were a level 1 pet. This issue has been resolved.
Upcoming Content:
- “Enhancement Rerolls” → This feature is available to pets that have an enhancement that is the same rarity as the pet itself. A reroll will not only give you a chance to change the enhancement type on your pet but the more you reroll, the higher chance you have of getting a better enhancement multiplier!
- Pet Index Revamp and Rewards → Along with the interface revamp, you will be given rewards such as pets, currencies, titles, etc. when you complete certain milestones in the pet index!
Update 22 (12/24/2021)
New Content:
- Global Trading has been entirely revamped! We hope you guys enjoy it.
- New Feature → “Trade Sorting”
New Limited Content:
- New limited-time world, available for free purchase → “Christmas Village”
- 5 houses that allow you to claim 5-10 minutes of a random boost from each house for free every 6 hours.
- Limited time event shop for new limited currency → “Wreaths” in “Christmas Village”.
- “BYTE” pet advertisement interface
- 2 new limited eggs → “Peppermint Egg” and “Yeti Egg”
Changed Content:
- Only unlocked pets are displayed in trading now
- Walk-speed upgrade has been fixed (You’ll now keep the walk-speed upon joining and resetting your character)
Update 21 (12/19/2021)
New Content:
- New feature “Live-Events” will allow us to enable events such as “x2 Currency”, “x2 Luck”, and “x2 Shiny” globally without any server shutdowns!
- Entirely new interactive and responsive user interface
- Pet information tag positions are now auto-scaled, so they will always be visible above the pet.
- New world → “Prisma Realm” and egg → “Prisma Egg”
- New local currencies feature → Separate currency for each world.
- New inventory feature “sorting” → Allows you to sort pets by their local currency multiplier, or by their research multiplier.
- New Legendary pet → “Byte” free to those in the Interbyte Studios group.
- Complete revamp of Science Shop. All players have been reset, and multiple upgrades have been either modified or removed while some upgrades have been added.
- New interaction zones to indicate when you’re within distance of interaction with a game object (egg hatch interfaces, interaction proximity prompts)
Major Chances:
- All egg costs, upgrade costs, pet stats, rank costs, rank multipliers and all other currency-related game features have been entirely rebalanced.
- Slowed clicking time limitation. This is not to prevent auto clickers, but to render them useless when put in comparison to the auto clicker provided in-game. This feature, which will most likely annoy players at the start, is crucial to the game’s balancing.
- Removed “Rebirths” stat as well as “Gems” currency.
- Rescinded support for numerous titles (Rebirth and mutation related)
- Removed support for legacy mutations (they will still keep their appearance)
- Removed feature “Daily Rewards”
- Removed Robux in-game item Pet Packs
- Default inventory size reduced from 500 to 300 (If the number of pets you have exceeds this number, you will not lose your pets. You simply won’t be able to hatch any new ones until your free up space or unlock more storage).
Update Notes:
- Temporarily removed Competitive Leaderboards (to allow the community to adjust to the game changes)
- The sprint feature on pc (left shift) has now been removed, due to the walk speed upgrade in the science shop.
- New Gamepass Icons
- Temporarily disabled “Global Trading” while under maintenance.
- Temporarily disabled “Pet enhancements” while under maintenance.
Update 20 (8/4/2021)
- Fixed triple hatch with auto hatch
- Fixed auto hatch bug
- Fixed global trading pages error
- Improved sorting order for global trading
- Reduced lag in global trading
- Reduced lag in inventory
- Created tier pass
- Cleaned up the weekly leaderboard script.
- Updated all dependencies
- Added 2.0 Egg
- Added Tier Pass
**- New Egg “2.0 Egg” for 100k research in Lobby! **
Update 18 (6/5/2021)
– Post a trade on a global board that anybody can view on any server! Other players can offer on your trades, and you can either accept/decline the trades at any point in time! (As of now, you need to rejoin to get your pets. However, we will be improving this functionality in the future)
– Only pets with rarities “Legendary” and “Secret” can be traded
– We’ve incorporated a filtering system for you to search for trades with the pets you’re looking for! You can select any pet in the game that meets the rarity requirements, and then search, and all trades that have any of the pets you’ve searched will appear!
Radioactive Egg
– New event egg in the lobby with 3 amazing secret pets!
Lobby Revamp
– Improved graphics, improved asset loading and rendering efficiency (improved performance), new areas to explore, and more!
– Ranks now have research and gem multipliers!
Bug Fixes
– Competitive titles now show up only in their respective category
– UI’s will no longer overlap (This was happening sometimes and it was annoying)
– Multi-purpose inventory UI animation and functionality improvements
2 new Limited Robux Pets!
– 3 Limited Legendary Pets and 2 hours of all boost! -
Carnival Event public area (this is a leak)! The event is not out yet, but we wanted to leak the are to you all!
Content Coming Soon
– Quests!
– Mutations!
– New pet rarity!
– Game badges and awards!
Update 16 (3/28/2021)
This update holds some cool changes and bug fixes to the game! We are still in development of our cross-server trading project and hope to finish it shortly.
NEW “Chrysalis Egg”!!
– Purchased with 1M Crystals!
– This fixes many issues with the old system, such as pet levels displaying incorrectly
– It should be much easier to navigate and use now
Season 3/4 titles
– We’ve also created the season 4 pets (
New Robux pets!
Crystal Cave is now free!
– In the future, we plan on making more events that have free worlds, so you can grind them -
Group Rewards now requires interaction rather than touching it
Slight rebalance of some permanent eggs
Fixed gem gaining when rebirthing
Fixed pets not cleaning up when players leave
Fixed auto-deleted pets not displaying in the egg chances display
Fixed leaderboard avatars occasionally displaying incorrectly
Fixed world multipliers in a few maps when you stand in water
Fixed cog egg facing backward
- Fixed the interaction names of some items (e.g. Lava Wastelands displaying incorrectly)
- Fixed crystals multiplier bug when deleting all pets
- Fixed multi-delete sometimes staying red to select
- Fixed a few pet images
- Fixed resetting when in the loading screen
- Fixed a few pets displaying in the wrong direction
Update 15 (3/21/2021)
2 new limited eggs (Over 40 new pets!)
→ “Ruby Egg”
→ “Crystal Egg” -
New limited world “Crystal Cave”
→ Limited currency “Crystals” -
2 new Robux Pets!
Interbyte Club pet “Darkened Chimera” has finally been introduced into the game!
Game User Interface rework!
→ Pets UI
→ Titles UI
→ Ranks UI
→ Teams UI
→ Gifts UI
Update 14 (3/13/2021)
New egg “St Patrick’s Egg”
Tons of pets got balance changes! Go check them out.
New boost “Faster Hatching Speed!”
New boost “x2 Pet Experience”
You can now buy up to 48 hours of boost at a time!
Quick P.S.A: This entire week we will have tons of events coming out. This update is small, as update 15 and update 16 are both going to be massive updates. But because of that, we will have a lot of events and special fun things going on. And get hype for what’s to come: It’s pretty insane.
Update 13 (3/07/2021)
Improved egg hatching animation
– Shiny pets now make the name of the pet a yellow text color
– Pets that are auto-deleted will have a small label under the “rarity” saying they were auto-deleted -
New limited-time “Oceanic Nostalgia” egg (5B research in the lobby)
– This will be gone in the second part of this update later in the week! -
Twilight Star
Improved inventory sorting (secrets now appear at the top, shiny pets appear before non-shiny pets)
The pet index can now be filtered!
– You can filter the pet index to display pets from a certain world or certain event worlds! -
Pet team names can now be changed!
Added competitive leaderboard rank achievements!
New Robux Pets!
– “Super Mutated Slimes”
– “Corrupt Jack O’ Lantern”
Update 12 (2/27/2021)
Improved egg hatching animation
– Shiny pets now make the name of the pet a yellow text color
– Pets that are auto-deleted will have a small label under the “rarity” saying they were auto-deleted -
New limited-time “Oceanic Nostalgia” egg (5B research in the lobby)
– This will be gone in the second part of this update later in the week! -
Twilight Star
Improved inventory sorting (secrets now appear at the top, shiny pets appear before non-shiny pets)
The pet index can now be filtered!
– You can filter the pet index to display pets from a certain world or certain event worlds! -
Pet team names can now be changed!
Added competitive leaderboard rank achievements!
New Robux Pets!
– “Super Mutated Slimes”
– “Corrupt Jack O’ Lantern”
Update 11 (2/21/2021)
Molten Egg, Magma Egg
New Lava Wasteland World (50T Gems, x16 world multiplier, Rank 19 required)
New Pet Teams feature! Unlock pet teams as you purchase new ranks. Pet teams are unlocked at Rank 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 25, and with the VIP Gamepass, you can have 1 extra team!
New egg hatching animation! This animation has come with many hotfixes and is now time-based rather than frame-based to reduce bugs and errors! The animation speed is now faster. Legendary and Secret pets have a special hatch effect now!
– More will be added to this over time! -
Delete-All will now only delete all pets (Excluding Legendary and Secret pets) that are viewable! This means that if you’re searching for a pet, and use Delete-All, it will only delete pets that you have searched that are not Legendary or Secret rarity!
- Mutations have been temporarily disabled while we rework the system.
- Group rewards fixed
- Shiny background now appears in Pet Index for viewable shiny pets!
- Daily rewards visual time bug fixed.
Not enough currency
error while hatching eggs has been fixed. - Many trade bugs fixed!
- Hide pets have been fixed!
- Not being able to make shiny pets when having a mutated form of that pet has now been fixed.
- World detection for world multiplier has been heavily improved.
Update 10 (2/15/2021)
New Neon Egg, Cataclysmic Egg, Twilight Space Egg
New limited-time Twilight World with
event currency! Gain stars by clicking in the Twilight World (costs 5T gems and requires rank 5)!
New event shop for Valentines’ Day event and the twilight event!
New daily rewards!
– We will be adding more daily rewards in the future -
– Gift a friend a game pass with the new40% OFF SALE
by purchasing the game pass then selecting them under the new gifting menu!
:first_place: 12 New “Mutations” achievements
– These require you to successfully mutate pets! -
New Reduced Mutation Time shop upgrade!
Teleporting/purchasing worlds now require you to interact with it rather than standing on the portal! This should be a smoother experience!
Fixed auto rebirth options for 75M and above not working
Leaderboard changes! Should be more reliable
– This fixes an old bug where other players may not load in-game for you, causing issues with features such as trading -
Minor internal changes to the egg hatching system
Small changes to the pet index
Changes to marketplace shop menu
Fixed a small bug where having the exact amount of research would not allow you to purchase a world
We’re sorry that this update took so long! A lot of hard work was put in to make it! Over 14,000 lines of code have changed.
We hope you understand the delay, and as a reward for patiently waiting, use the following CODES!
- Update10 - 2 days of luck boost
- Twin - 2 days of shiny boost
- Cities - 1 hour of instant click time
Update 9 (2/6/2021)
Vialentines Egg
andGradient Egg
(Event for 2 weeks!) -
Equip Best Button will now equip the pets with the best Max Stats in your inventory, regardless of their level! This way, you’ll always level up the pets that will give you the most benefit!
Fixed the new rebirth options, and re-balanced them!
– 375m rebirths and options above this are now able to be used, and their prices have been re-balanced! -
Event (Lasts until Wednesday!)
–x2 Research in all worlds!
–x2 Shiny chance!
–x2 Luck on all legendary and secret hatches!
Quick note: This update had to be a little smaller, as we are currently working on the Valentines update for next week and the soon to come Global Trading!
Update 8 (1/30/2021)
Added 5M egg and Crystal Cavern Egg
removed currency boosts in favor of a new x2 research game pass (costs
– If you had an active currency boost, you will be receiving x4 research until it runs out -
Rebalanced shiny mutation chances (slightly easier now!)
→ 60% Legendary → 90% Legendary
→ 30% secret → 70% secret -
Rebalanced successful mutation changes (slightly easier as well!)
→ 15% successful for shiny legendary → 45% successful for legendary
→ 7% successful for shiny secret → 30% successful for secret
→ 9% for shiny secret → 40% successful for shiny secret -
Added more shop upgrades!
→ 16 rebirth upgrades → 20 rebirth upgrades
→ 40 shiny chance upgrades → 75 shiny chance upgrades
– Instead of a 0.05% increase per upgrade, it is now a 0.05% increase per upgrade
→ 75 gem multipler upgrades → 150 gem multipler upgrades
→ 11 pet exp upgrades → 25 pet exp upgrades -
Improved in-game chat messages
Changed the messages for legendary/secrets being hatched to send a fractional form message instead of a decimal percentage
→ e.g. “0.0001%” will now be displayed as “1 in 10.00k”) -
Added mutation messages in chat when someone mutates a pet successfully!
Added tips to the mutations selection screen describing why you cannot mutate a pet-
Added 5M egg and Crystal Cavern Egg
Update 7 (1/27/2021)
Game Additions:
- Pet Mutations!
- 4 new eggs
–Armor Egg
–Atom Egg
–Desert Egg
–Cacti Egg
- New interactive and responsive Robux shop UI!
- New x2 Shiny and +2 mutations game pass!
- New
world with an x12 multiplier!
Quality of Life improvements:
- All shops and
UIs such as Science Shop stores, Rebirth places, and Mutations now use ProximityPrompt which is interactive and supports all devices! - All pets that were not showing up previously when equipped are now fixed!
Bug Fixes:
will now function for pets that are selected in the view window if they meet the requirements. -
Trade Ended
window will no longer stay visible after trades. -
window will no longer stay on your screen when a player you’re in trade with leaves the game. -
Waiting for Player
window will no longer stay on your screen when a player you’re in trade with leaves the game. - Trade pet stats window will reset every time you enter a new trade.
secret pets andBS2 Super Neon Hydra
now have the info tag.
Update 6 (1/16/2021)
Three new eggs
– Galactic Egg (3 new secrets!)
– Mech Egg (3 new secrets!)
– Twilight Egg -
Changes to egg hatching
– Egg hatching will show the shiny variant of the pet if you got a shiny variant
– Egg hatching will better preload content
– When using auto delete, pets that are deleted will still go into your pet index -
Changes to trading
– Searching now works
– Some other bug fixes -
Changes to achievements (slightly harder)
Balanced rebirthing. Each new tier now gives you a 5% discount from the previous tier. You may want to adjust your auto rebirth strategy!
Added saving for “hide pets”
Added saving for “hide other pets”
New “Multi Unlock” feature which allows you to unlock multiple pets at once
Created “Buy All” button for Science Shop
Better server leaderboards
Improved leader stats on top right
Improvements for network consumption
Patches for a few exploits
We can now create codes that will work in all live servers
Update 5 (1/9/2021
Game additions
- New world,
Toy Land
! Rank 20 is required to entire this world along with 20Qd research. The new world multiplier is x8! - 3 new eggs!
–Cog Egg
(1b gems currency. Has 9 new pets in total!)
–Toy Egg
(50T research currency. Has 10 new pets in total!)
–Sand Egg
(75T research currency. Has 12 new pets in total and VARIANT secret pets!) - Server-wide leaderboards!
- 2 new titles!
–All Nighter
title for 2.5m+ eggs hatched!
for over 50b+ rebirths! - 2 new Robux pets!
–Universal Tamer
is a new Tier 2 Legendary Robux pet!
–Lava Master
is a new Tier 1 Legendary Robux Pet!
- A lot of helpful trading fixes were made
– The blur that happens to one player when accepting trades or sometimes after trades end has been fixed.
– Trade list of all players showing people being able to trade when they aren’t has been fixed.
– (Searching in trades hasn’t been fixed yet but it will be very soon!)
– Many other small bug fixes that will make the game more enjoyable to play.
Game Improvements
- New secret label on secret pets!
- New titles UI → It is now more organized and interactive!
- Leaderboards UI have all been re-scaled, and automatically re-scale!
- Pet frames in the Pet UI have been re-scaled and automatically re-scale!
- “Shrink” and “Expand” have returned! View up to 10 pets a row now with “Shrink” functionality in the Pet UI!
Update 4 (1/2/2021)
Game additions
- New world, “Tropical Lobby”! Just as the Science Lobby, the first zone in the game (Where you first load into), this is a lobby! It comes with 2 new eggs. To unlock this world you must be ranked 16 and have 5Qa Research. All future worlds will have their teleports placed in this new lobby!
- 3 new eggs! (1 EVENT egg!)
–Coconut Egg
(300M gems currency. Has 9 new pets in total!)
–Dark Matter Egg
(800M gems currency. Has 9 new pets in total!)
–Throwback Egg
(10B research currency. Has 14 new pets in total!) (EVENT EGG) - More upgrades in the science shop!
– Pet experience upgrade can be bought up to 11 times now instead of 6!
– Gem upgrades can be bought 75 times now instead of 50!
– Shiny chance upgrades can be bought 40 times now instead of 20!
- Neither player can see locked pets in trade! This was previously causing bugs and has now been fixed.
- Equip/Unequip as well as Lock/Unlock buttons glitching has been fixed.
- Hatching 2 eggs at once by being within proximity of both eggs while auto hatching has now been fixed.
- Some pets had the wrong faces. This has been fixed and their decals have been updated accordingly.
Game Improvements
- The world sort panel has been semi-reworked to use a UIListLayout now instead of a UIGridLayout and uses LayoutUtil for automatic scaling.
- Egg sort panel has been semi-reworked to use a UIListLayout now instead of a UIGridLayout and uses LayoutUtil for automatic scaling.
- Improvements to game performance and UI compatibility with all devices.
Update 3 (12/26/2020)
Game additions
- 2 new eggs!
–2020 Event Egg
(costs 10B Research)
–Immortal Egg
(costs 800k Snowflakes) - 2 new titles!
–Shiny Lord
(1 shiny secret hatched)
–Shiny Legend
(3 shiny secrets hatched) - New shiny boost in the Robux shop!
- Trading fixes
- Legendary/Secret hatch server message chances display fixed!
Absolute Lightness
base research stat changed (x375 → x440) -
Frosty Guardian
base research stat changed (x400 → x540) -
Hot Cocoa
base research stat changed (x425 → x600) -
Extra Fluffy Bunny
base research stat changed (x450-> x615) -
The Key Master
base research stat changed (x400 → x520) -
Cresential Orbit
base research stat changed (x490 → x610) -
Ethereal Wreath
base research stat changed (x520 → x700)
Game Improvements
- Shiny pets now have a much nicer background animation!
- Locked pets can no longer be seen in trades, nor can they be traded period.
- Multi-Delete and Delete-All will show you what pets you’re deleting!
- Pet inventory and trade windows now automatically scale the scrolling frames to size perfectly on your screen depending on how many pets you have and will update every time a pet is added/removed.
- Trading confirmation will now show you what pets you’re going to lose!
Update 2 (12/21/2020)
Game additions
- Trading!
- Competitive leaderboards!
- 3 new eggs in an event world!
– Reef Egg (costs 500 snowflakes)
– Reindeer egg (costs 100k snowflakes)
– Snowtop egg (costs 300k snowflakes) - New Christmas quest
– with limited time boost rewards
– with limited time currency snowflakes
– with limited time eggs - New OG title (required to have played before update 2!)
- New limited Robux pets
- External services allow us to do giveaways for pets and boosts in live time without being on your server!
- Fixed VIP achievement not being able to be equipped for special QA & staff members.
- Fixed shiny pets showing -1 exp incorrectly
Violet Striker
base research stat changed (120x → 200x) -
Absolute Lightness
base research stat changed (270x → 375x) -
Frosty Guardian
base research stat changed (200x → 400x) -
Hot Cocoa
base research stat changed (240x → 425x) -
Extra Fluffy Bunny
base research stat changed (270x → 450x) -
Re-balance to
Minty Lava Egg
for chances -
Re-balance to
Frosty Egg
for chances -
Re-balance to
Frostbite Egg
for chances -
Re-balance to
Candy Egg
for chances -
Re-balance to rebirth prices (slightly easier)
Secret Champion
title requirement of 3 secret pets has been changed to 5 secret pets (players who previously have this equipped will keep it equipped) -
Adjustments to pet level requirements. Pets require significantly more exp to level up (affects all your current pets as well as future pets)
Game improvements
- Player stats will now show 1 decimal point.
- Performance & network boosts for various things (auto-select, updating playtime)
- Changes to pet floating behavior to make higher FPS players not float faster
- Reworked pet following system which should be less prone to bugs
Update 1 (12/07/2020)
Additions and bug fixes
- New Candy Land world
- New Minty Lava Egg that costs 1.25m gems! (10 pets!)
- New Frostbite Egg that costs 500k gems! (10 pets!)
- New Candy Egg that costs 2.5T research! (9 pets!)
- Changes to the egg hatch animation
- New codes to be released soon
- Vial egg removed!
- Pets are now visible when you zoom in to the first-person view
- Achievements now show “Equipped” when you equip them
- More rebirth options are now available!
- Pets now show better when you teleport between worlds
- New system that allows us to giveaway pets while you’re in-game!
Balance Chances
- All pets have gem stat changes!
- All science shop upgrades have their prices rebalanced
- Players who previously got shop upgrades will keep their current levels
- Rebirth prices have been balanced slightly
- Winter Tundra now requires rank 6 (previously rank 5)
- “Frosty Guardian” base research multiplier to 200 (previously 160)
- “Violet Striker” base research multiplier to 120 (previously 100)
- Reduced Legendary rarity pets base stats in Frosty Egg to 64
- Reduced Epic rarity pets base stats in Frosty Egg to 50
- Winter tundra multiplier is now x3 (previously x4)