SCP Facility Arctic Environment

Mocked up some mountains for my SCP Site, which is situated in Switzerland.

This is not final, more of a sampling for what I want the environment to look like. Any feedback would be much appreciated!

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Yeah, looks really realistic, so great job on nailing that look!

Nothing else from me, actually.


Wow… just wow… I wish I could build like that! This looks really good! Though, I would suggest maybe making some icey lake and maybe covering the mountains more, they don’t look so steep to just throw off all the snow so add a bit more to them as well as try adding a bit more trees as it kind of looks empty. Other than this it looks ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS!


Thank you. Yeah I agree on all points. I plan for this to be what sets the background, there will be a lot more going on in the foreground, parts that you can actually interact with too. More to come!

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This SCP arctic environment looks GREAT! Nice job on it! How long did it take to create this environment?

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