SCP Foundation Project (builders, scripters, modelers etc. needed!)

Hey there, I am realitybind, the owner of a 5.5K+ growing SCP Foundation on the platform.

We are working on a project called Complex Zeta due to release with hundreds of thousands of robux invested into advertisements and sponsors. We are in need of some developers to help us finish off this project.

What you should be experienced with?
You should have a good attitude towards development and enjoy the work you do.
You should be polite towards members of the community and not bring forward drama/toxicity.
You should have a skill in one of the following: building, scripting, modeling or user interface designs.

What payment would you receive?
The second you are accepted for the position as Site Director (Developer) you will be given a negotiable percentage of funds from the group before you even start your assignments. Once Zeta has been completed and released additional funding or a percentage raise can be negotiated between us.

What are some details on the project?
You will be working on a game known as Complex Zeta, the thumbnail being below, the building and most of the scripting is already completed however I wish to improve what we have already created and I always believe in improvement. I want for the release of Complex Zeta to be like nothing seen before in the SCP community.

How do I contact you?
You can contact me via. discord as long as you are thirteen or above at reality#1234.


I have contacted you in discord I am: MR.SAX # 2870
please reply to my messages

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Ok, I’m Interested, I wanna be a builder My Discord : CorruptEquality#1669
And For Payment, Can You Tell Me In ROBUX. Not Percentage. But If You Cant It’s all good!

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Mate, I think the best way to make your game grow is translating it to the second more spoken language spanish I can help with translations, with a really low payment, if you would like to hire me dm me on discord: Mr.8#7932 , there I will talk with you about me, and I’ll show you my prices.


I am interested, But your tag doesn’t work. Please DM me at TormentedSoul#2507 (Updated: Nevermind, I had a period in there which totally blocked it)

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