SCP Foundation UI

1st iteration:

Give me some feedback please, inspired by chenami’s previous work.

It took me about 2 hours to complete this design from start to finish, I didnt use any halftones or textures for the ui, just custom shapes for the frames holding information and then icons for the statistics.

Font: Akatab
Font Weight: Mixed (Some bold some not)


its looks good but in same time its quite overwhelming or is it just me

I don’t want to read all that.

I just want to play when I join a game.

Maybe break up the information and provide it as needed.

I dont mind constructrive criticism, so thanks but at the same time what you said doesn’t make sense because the landing page of a game contains important information, this kind of game especially considering there is a lot to it, it’s not just click the screen get money rebirth and rinse repeat it actually has neat systems and other things to it, and if you dont feel like reading all of it dont, that’s why the “Click anywhere to begin” is highlighted, so it sticks out and people know how to start playing.

This SCP Foundation UI looks awesome! Good job on it! It’s unique for Roblox! I think the text should be bigger in some places, so it’s more visible. How long did it take for you to create this UI?

it’s fine to have a ton of info, but @mc7oof is right, you should break it up.


any player (or rather more appropriately audience), whether it’s some low quality game, a website, or even some AAA game, will want not only good visuals but good interaction.
this is why UX exists.

easier to read ≠ less info ≠ low quality (e.g. add a tab for update log, shop, stats, etc.)

but for me personally I feel like the radial text gradient is a tad bit too strong. :+1:

Below are my thoughts on the 1st iteration design, if I seem rude, I don’t mean to be!

The logo “SITE-14” looks too dark and doesn’t stand out enough. The amount of information is a bit much and the user should be drawn to the site name and to the text saying press anywhere.

The UI on the right feels out of place and should be inside another tab specifically for player stats, though the UI at the top containing username, rank, level and XP can remain on the main page.

The text “[Press anywhere to enter]” kinda feels out of place and the UI on the bottom feels unneeded for the design.

The text saying to press any key could be put into the bottom bar. Last bit of feedback would be to make the SCP logo in the bottom left white and then inside the black bar without a white glow/shadow.

The changelogs that have a short description could be removed and instead drop down when hovering over a feature.