SCP GFX Feedback

Hey There!
I recently had a commission related to SCP. Secure, Contain, Protect. So with the assets I was given, I created this! Is it good? What could make it better? Leave a like if you appreciate my work!


Hey, I believe you might have forgot the part where you add the image? Can’t wait to see it though! :sweat_smile:

Edit: I’m not much of a GFX designer, or an artist, but from the looks of it, it does work quite well together. I don’t have much to say in terms of changing anything unfortunately. All I can offer is my support, keep it up!


It looks good, maybe changing the class d’s gun pose to make it look more realistic perhaps?
Other than that, good effect usage and font usage.


Would change the watermark. Adding your Discord tag is an indirect Discord reference and can get the contractor who uploads this thumbnail moderated.

Looks pretty good in terms of flashiness but I’m not too sure about accuracy to material. At it’s core lacking any of the effects it’s three rendered characters each in a column of the three fold of SCP. It’s not so much attractive in the content shown as it is attractive because of the flare effects which do feel a bit overdone. A thumbnail should ideally strive to showcase something about the game itself.

The firearm on the leftmost character is out of place. The character isn’t actually holding the weapon beyond using their shoulder and the character is holding the magazine which you probably shouldn’t do for a weapon of that type. The very left of that character is also fairly blurry so I can’t really tell what’s going on there even if it is just a bent leg to form the crouch position.

The above gun hold position issue is present in the rightmost character as well who is holding the weapon by its stock. It might be a good idea to reference real life pictures of those firearms as a point of reference for how they should or can be held and then you can make adjustments based off of those points of reference. Might help bring a lot more life to the thumbnail.


I like it but…
I don’t know someone that holds a gun like this;
and this;
he looks like he’s holding a ruler.
move the P90 to the other arm because in FPS games they hold the gun with the right hand not left.


I really like the font and effects you chose! They really make the graphic look professional imo. However, I think the images behind the effects with the 3 characters should definitely be replaced. At a glance, I don’t understand that each of them symbolize “secure”, “contain”, and “protect” without looking at the text: they just look like 3 players to me. Maybe having an SCP being captured with net or chains or something would symbolize secure better, with one behind a door/bars for contain and the troops guarding the compound for protect.


The Class D and MTF soldier (I think that’s what they’re called) don’t look like they are holding their guns correctly, try adjusting the position.

The muzzle flash coming from the Class D’s gun looks very 2D and too dark, the flash needs to be bright, and needs to emit light. I see no light coming from the muzzle, so the muzzle flash is a direct flaw.

There doesn’t seem to be very much contact shadows, or very many shadows at all. Try adjusting the lighting position.

They look like they are all in the same room, I think changing their background would make this image a lot better.

The effects are pretty good excluding the muzzle flash, but the actual models inside the render aren’t the best. Try fixing these issues and the render should come out very well.

Just for some reference, I made an SCP GFX for a random person a few months ago.


You can use this image to reference muzzle flashes.

Overall I would give this graphic image a 6/10. Effects are pretty good but other parts aren’t the greatest.

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