Here are the codes for SCP Site53 [Work In Progress]:
Code Yellow Herin - A user has been spotted using a moderator livery (impersonator), do not pull over to people in moderator liveries at this time, ALL staff are to be patrolling the whole map in order to find and locate the player.
Code Orange Herin - A user has been spotted using a admin livery (impersonator), do not pull over to people in admin liveries at this time, ALL staff are to be patrolling the whole map in order to find and locate the player.
Code Red Herin - A user has been spotted using a Senior Admin, Head Admin, or [Co]-Owner livery (impersonator), do not pull over to people in Senior Admin, Head Admin, or [Co]-Owner liveries at this time, ALL staff are to be patrolling the whole map in order to find and locate the player.
Code Scope - Sniper shots have been heard, all players are to be vigilant and do !mod the moment they either see or have the user of the sniper.
Code Close - A user who is not MTF Beta-7 “Maz Hatters” or IA/ISD is using a shotgun. Users are to be vigilant and do !mod the moment they see or have the user of the shotgun.
Code Nine Tailed Fox - The site has been experiencing multiple high level containment breaches, personnel are to get to the breach shelter at the 2nd floor (Doctor’s Office 1), and wait until MTF Epsilon-11 has secured the facility and they reached the Breach Shelter for evac.
Code Maz Hatters - The site has been experiencing multiple biohazard containment breaches, personnel are to get to the breach shelter at the 2nd floor (Doctor’s Office 1), and wait until MTF Beta-7 has secured the facility and they reached the Breach Shelter for evac.
Code Mole Rats - The site has been experiencing multiple high biohazard containment breaches, such as SCP-106, personnel are to get to the breach shelter at the 2nd floor (Doctor’s Office 1), and wait until MTF Zeta-9 has secured the facility and they reached the Breach Shelter for evac.
Code Pony Express - MTF Alpha-4 Transport and Transport Guard units are requested at a location for SCP extraction.