SCP style build

Here u go :slight_smile:


I like the hallway a lot, It looks like that one scene from the Mandalorian, it looks cool. I would recommend to add some detail to the ceiling instead of just one part. Overall it’s nice.


[ EDIT ]

Okay, my last piece of feedback was not all that detailed. I apologise for that and I will attempt to provide better feedback.


What is the SCP Foundation? What are they responsible for?

Secure. Contain. Protect. These three simple words both comprise the initials of the Foundation, as well as the Foundation’s steadfast, motto. The SCP Foundation is most often presented as a shadowy organisation that works outside of public awareness, in order to keep things secret and safe. The SCP Foundation is a well funded and staffed organisation that generally works outside public awareness and operates with or without the approval of support of local governments. The Foundation often recruits the finest scientists, researchers, engineers and military agents they can find, employing them to perform stressful and generally dangerous tasks. These tasks are of course related to the Foundation’s motto that I mentioned at the start: “Secure. Contain. Protect.”. Within the universe that the Foundation operates in, which is most often presented as our own universe, there’s a massive number of strange, paranormal and anomalous things. These things, which bend or break the natural order of things as most people know it, can vary wildly in concept, form, hostility, usefulness and danger. Without getting into too many details at this point, these anomalous entities can range from immortal killing machines to a six-sided die that occasionally lands on a seven. Some can be used to greatly benefit the Foundation, such as pills that can cure any disease, while others continually threaten both The Foundation and all life on Earth, such as massive eldredge entities, for which the Foundation has no idea how to contain.

Describe what an SCP is. What do the classification levels mean?

(Developing from the paragrapth above)

Each of these entities, or at least the ones known to the Foundation , are given an entry on the website. These entries are known as “Special Contain Procedures” or “SCPs”, generally follow a similar format, and contain information written and catalogued by researchers working for the Foundation. Each SCP is given a number, and at the time of this answer, there are over 4000 SCPs logged into the system. Next, each SCP is assigned an Object Class, which is somewhat a broad indicator of how easily an SCP is contained or how reliably it can be contained. There are 4 main Object Classes used across the Foundation, although others will crop up. Safe Class SCPs are those that are most easily contained, with little to no chance of a containment breach occurring. It’s important to note that Safe can apply to SCPs that are harmless or beneficial, but also to SCPs that are incredibly dangerous, but is easy for the Foundation to contain and protect. A key that can open any lock it touches and a cooperative individual that can manipulate reality are both safe SCPs. One step higher is the Euclid Object Class. Signifying the broadest class of SCPs or containment is more complicated or less reliable than safe SCPs. Many autonomous or living SCPs are classified as Euclid due to their inherent unpredictability. A red disk that can transport someone to an alternative dimension, a humanoid that kills all plant life around him and an orb that continually expands the interior of any building its placed in are all Euclid Class SCPs. Keter SCPs are those that are excessively difficult to contain for one reason or another and are often either incredibly dangerous to either foundation personnel or others. Although, that is not always the case. An immortal reptile that hates all life, a highly infectious disease that takes over hosts to spread itself and a cake that infinitely duplicates itself are all Keter Class SCPs. Finally there is Thaumiel, highly classified SCPs that stand apart from the others generally due to their use to the Foundation in locating or containing other SCPs. Among the basic Object Classes, Thaumiel are the rarest, reserved for the most guarded secrets of the Foundation and are generally more difficult to define than others. A facility capable of rebuilding humanity after an apocalypse and a machine capable of sending people in the future are both Thaumiel SCPs.

Name one SCP and describe it.


SCP-1000 is a Keter Class skip, meaning it is quite difficult to reliably contain and the contain procedures mentioned constant surveillance on any individuals or organisations looking into SCP-1000. More effort is made on the Foundation’s part to conceal any information about SCP 1000 than to actually contain the entities themselves. Procedures also mention that no contact with any instance of SCP-1000 is to be done without approval by the project director and in fact any interaction whatsoever between SCP-1000 and humans is to be immediately reported to the project director. The description of course describes the physical appearance of SCP-1000 as you would expect and also states their common intelligence to be equivalent to the common chimpanzee. Apparently, SCP-1000 evolved alongside humans until roughly ten to fifteen thousand years ago when they contracted an anomalous disease that quickly wiped out 95-99% of their population. The disease is passed on genetically, but most instances of SCP-1000 that are born in present day and immune to its effects. The disease affects any hominid, noticeably humans, that view any instance of SCP-1000 directly or indirectly. There is a chance that varies and increases based on a couple factors for the viewer to instantly die due to the permanent stopping of brain functions. This effect rapidly wiped out the population of SCP-1000 and the Foundation believes it possible for the disease to transfer to human carriers, which would lead to an apocalyptic scenario. The description continues the state that the highest populations of SCP-1000 are currently located in the Pacific Northwest of North America and the Himalayas, but there are instances located in every continent. Of course those with clearance level 3 or higher are given a letter from the director which reveals almost everything I just told you is a lie. Most importantly there is no brain killing disease and SCP-1000 are actually as smart as humans are. That second statement is why the report is filled with lies, why there’s such a big cover-up and why SCP-1000 is labelled as Keter. SCP-1000 did evolve alongside us, with us operating in daytime earning us the title “Children of The Sun” and them operating at night with the title “Children of The Night”. We were not technological equivalents, however, and SCP-1000 were massively ahead of us. While we hunted and gathered they developed cities, locomotives, planes, cell phones, atomic bombs and made things in ways we still don’t understand. Part of this was their massive population growth and they covered the planet in the numbers reaching the tens of billions. Meanwhile, there were only a few hundred of us and we avoided them when we could. They also made efforts to avoid us. Speaking of us in mythological terms, telling their children we would come and eat them if they were bad. Then something happened. Exactly what and why is unclear at this point but humanity banded together and wiped out SCP-1000 and their civilisation. Most noticeably, 70% of their population in a single day: The Day of Flowers. As for how, the only hint is that a trister forest God gave us advanced weaponry and showed us how to use them. But make of that what you will. Our ancestors reasons for wiping them out are also unknown, but their went further than just killing them: they used SCP-1000’s technology to drive them mad, restricting the survivors higher brain functions and leaving them as little more than apes. We also obliterated their cities and their creations. And finally wiped our own memories of SCP-1000 and what we had done. A few humans retained their memory of what happened, but most of humanity went back to hunting. And time ticked on. Now the real danger is that SCP-1000 are regaining their lost intelligence and the sightings and sightings of them is cause for great concern. Most recently there was an attempt at communication from an instance of SCP-1000. Roughly translated it read “We forgive you. Given choice for now not forever. Let us back in.”. It is unlikely SCP-1000 would so easily forgive the atrocities our ancestors committed, but time will tell. There are some mentions of The Children of The Night in other places, such as SCP-2932 being an ancient prison for the anomalous created during their time. But largely their story is contained within SCP-1000. It is unknown at this point if SCP-1000 will continue to make their presence more known or if The Foundation will suppress them, but if they are as vindictive as humanity tends to be we might have cause for concern.

That was just for those unfamiliar with the SCP Foundation. It will not be necessary to read it if you already know basic knowledge about it. I just provided context so people can understand some terms I will probably use.


I assume the game you have made is either a Site, Area or Facility. However, I will provide an official image of Site 13. Well, acknowledge that fact that it is currently under the effect of an non-Euclidean, space-time, cyclic anomaly. It should give you a good idea of what the Foundation is like. Of course, you do not have to follow any specific cannon but it is usually suggested to. For example, CreepySin’s Foundation. It is good and all and the architecture is decent. However, the fact that it does not follow any cannon throws quite a lot of mainstream people off. Like most people do not even care about the Foundation. Not saying that it is specifically wrong but if you want a community that knows and respects the Foundation then I would suggest to include or even imply at least one lore/cannon.

Observing the futuristic tone, I would predict that (if this were in a cannon), it would be in The Broken Masquerade (the Foundation loses its secrecy because North Korea disappeared) or The Truth (the Foundation develops travel faster than light and finds the source of all SCPs). Personally, I do not agree with those cannons but it best fits the architecture present. It looks like a space link or maybe, to be generous, Overwatch Command (Site 001). Understand that it is a very good build with a lot of detail but it just does not fit with most themes of the Foundation. I’m not saying you should scrap it but I do suggest to observe some reference art of the Foundation. Games such as SCP Containment Breach is a decent example.

Good luck!


That looks really cool. I would play that game.


I like the design a lot and it looks really cool. Overall really great :+1:

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I would only recommend to add some detail to the ceiling. Overall its nice.

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Looks really good! You could add some more detail to the ceiling and floor.


It looks nice, although one of the qualities about SCP:CB and SCP:SL that I never see replicated in Roblox is the narrowness of the halls. Claustrophobia can add a lot to horror builds. I also noticed that in the first image, the gate indicator is on the right, but in the others, it’s on the left. Having everything placed similarly can add a scary (but not boring) monotony to a build. Otherwise, great build with interesting lighting and decor.


I think that after the SCP foundation has evolved over time, it’s not out of the question that their facilities may have evolved, at least new ones.

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Thanks guys, stay posted because I’m going to extend it :slight_smile: if you want post suggestions about what I could add!

It looks really good, so far as detail, but you could probably make the width of the hallway a tiny bit more smaller.

That really depends on the lore you’re following. My head-cannon of the SCP Foundation follows specific lore that attempts to combine all the SCPs into a cohesive group. If you’re following one cannon, however, for example The Broken Masquerade, then that’s fine by me.

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Hello Developer,

In my opinion, I have nothing to mention or say, which is improvable.

I like the style, the colors, and the lighting as well. Best of luck!


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Very cool, very sci fi. I love it, maybe try including more detail into the ceiling? Other than that it’s genuinely impressive

bro this is my hallway, i made this and its so freaking similar to mines. this hallway is leaked.

i based that hallway on an image i found in google to prove that i was qualified as a developer for this scp group ( i was very new to scp at the time ) and i had to bail out because the head dev wanted me to make a full facility and thats too much just to show im qualified for a job. I made this hallway and it looks so similar to mines. I have proof as well, its in my game inventory.

Looks pretty good, but I think it needs a bit more detail in the hallways, as looking through it right now it looks pretty plain.

Looks pretty neat from what you have so far. You could probably add more detail to the floor and ceiling. Although the floor is simple and has a level of detail, I feel much more can be done with it. You could add grates along the way or some sort of floor pattern that matches the theme. The ceiling, however, is looking completely empty. You could add pipes that run across the ceiling, wires, vents, etc.

Also, as of writing this, I noticed for the walls that the top of the brick can be seen, which makes it look like it isn’t completely finished or a little weird, in my opinion.

Looks good, I would add more detail. Add textures and add more colours.

Hope this helped!
Happy Developing!

personally I dont think Bright and neon colours suits the scp genre, But all-round good. keep up the good work.