[SCPF — Level Application Information]



:warning: The following post is associated with the group linked below this message. :warning:
[SCPF — Special Containment Procedures Foundation]

Property of lnfilitration’s SCPF


    1. You cannot plagiarize answers for your application.
    1. You may not copy others answers.
    1. You must link your profile, failure to do so will result in denial.
    1. You absolutely must try your hardest, as the applications progress, you’ll be expected to go into more detail and write more.
    1. You must have an actual understanding on what you are saying in your answers.
    1. Your account can’t be an ALT, you will be background checked.
    1. Don’t ask for your application to be read
    1. Troll applications will lead to you being blacklisted from applying.
    1. Cannot be in any foreign intelligence, this includes but is not limited to; RAISA, UNKNOWN or IA. ISD groups and RRT groups are tolerated.

:warning: NOTICE :warning:
Applications should be read in 24 hours at maximum. If not, you are allowed to contact an executive to read your application.



Profile Link:

  1. What is the Foundation?
  2. How active do you consider yourself to be?
  3. How can you contribute to the Foundation?
  4. How much departments can you be in at once?
  5. Name one object class of your choice and describe it.


Profile Link:

  1. Why do you want a Level 1 clearance?
  2. What do you know about the Foundation? What is an SCP?
  3. Why should we upgrade your clearance to Level 1?
  4. What department(s) do you plan on applying for (if any)? Why?
  5. What are information clearances and why are they important?
  6. How have you benefited the foundation so far?


Profile Link:

  1. Explain SCP classifications.
  2. What is a Group of Interest? Name atleast one GoI from the lore.
  3. Why are you willing to advance to the Level-2?
  4. Are you in any departments yet? If so, which? If not, which do you want to join?
  5. Give one reason why we should accept your application over others?
  6. What is the importance of the Code of Ethics?


Profile Link:

  1. Explain level classifications.
  2. What do you currently know about this specific SCPF?
  3. Why are you willing to advance to the Level-3?
  4. Are you in any departments yet? If so, how are they going?
  5. Give one reason why we should accept your application over others?
  6. Is there anyone that can vouch for you to receive Level-3 clearance?

:warning: Anyone ranking Level-3 or higher must vouch for you to recieve L-3 clearance. Do not lie, the person will be asked. :warning: