Admin Guide
Within groups, admin permissions is a necessity to group leaders, and high ranks in order to moderate in game, and to host things like game nights. The following guide is for all members with mod and admin commands to follow.
Usable Commands
- :pm
- :logs / :exploitlogs / :chatlogs / :showlogs
- :name (Should be used for training and tryouts only.)
- :clone (for trainings/tryouts.)
- :countdown (Only for training/tryouts, not for personal duels!)
- :re / :respawn / :bring / :to / :tp (Only use it if it’s necessary, you have legs for a reason)
- :ff(Only for training/tryouts.)
- :h (Use this for most directions)
- :n (Don’t spam this either)
- :team (Use this only in tryouts and trainings.)
- :heal (ONLY for trainings/tryouts, duels, or trials. Using this during raids or patrolling is AA)
- :jail / :punish (Jail someone, then talk and negotiate. Do this before resorting to kicks/bans. CLEAR YOUR JAIL CELLS IF THE TARGET LEAVES THE GAME. TYPE :CLR or :CLEAR)
- :kick / :ban (Negotiation first. Kick as last resort. Ban for repeat offenders)
- :view / :watch ( Only use this if necessary)
- :age (Only for tryouts if needed)
- :afk
- :command / :cmds
- :viewtools
- :to / :bring / :tp Only use this if you have an immediate need to reach someone. Do NOT teleport to the front-lines. Do NOT use this command just to travel around.
REMINDER: If you use any other commands that are not listed above that will be considered AA.
Banned Commands:
- :fly (Only HICOM can use it.)
- :shutdown (Need permission from a HICOM )
- :removetools (Need permission from a HICOM )
- :cape (Do not use.)
- :noclip and :clip (Only HICOM )
- :repeat ( No one should use.)
- :btool (Only for HICOM to use!)
- :change (Only HICOM can use for raids/trainings.)
- :fling (Never to be used.)
- :speed (Never to be used.)
- :blind (Never to be used.)
- :size (Never to be used.)
- :party (Never to be used.)
- :kidnap (Never to be used.)
- :kill (Never to be used.)
- :health (Never to be used.)
- :place (Only HICOM can use it)
- :god (Only HICOM can use it