:[SCPF]: || Application Requirements

:[SCPF]: Special Containment Procedures Foundation | Application Requirements


You must apply to the different levels within the foundation in order to receive a promotion. Make sure to use full maturity, sentences, and grammar at all times.

In order to apply for the different Level’s, and departments you must first meet these requirements;

Level Requirements:
Class D to apply for level-0
Level-0 to apply for level-1
Level-1 to apply for level-2
Level-2 to apply for level-3
From level-3 to 4, hand-picked
From level-4 to 5 hand-picked
Department Requirements:
Department of External Affairs - Level-1+
Engineering and Technical Services - Level-2+
Ethics Committee - Level-2+
Medical Department - Level-2+
Science Department - Level-2+
Security Department - Level-2+
Mobile Task Force - Level-3+
Intelligence Agency - Level-3+
Internal Security Department Level-4+

Secure. Contain. Protect