[SCPF] Area 108 v3 - Site Regulations

Special Containment Procedures Foundation

Area 108 v3 Site Regulations
Written by unix_system

1. On-Site Activity Rules

  • 1.1 - Unintended behaviour
    Any sort of Glitching, exploiting or utilising bugs in the game for unintended purposes is strictly banned. The punishment will be based on the severity of the offence, however by default the punishment for any form of exploiting (running an exploit program specifically to target the group) will result in a databan.

  • 1.2 - Glitching includes, but is not limited to:

    • Shift-Locking through doors or corners to enter / leave rooms without the proper keycard (server ban)
    • Perform a ‘Detain Train’ with two or more users detaining each other
    • Exploiting issues with SCPs or products to gain unfair and unintended advantages
  • 1.3 - Modified Clients
    Modified Clients, such as those which give minor, non-obvious advantages via exploits (i.e. Aimbots, ESP, or Click to Teleport) are explicitly banned. These are classed and treated as exploits and will most likely result in a databan.

  • 1.4 - Provision for Testing
    The rules regarding glitching and exploiting apply to all, including the O5 Council, except the following subsets:

    • Site Directors
      Site Directors are permitted to perform reasonable testing, with the permission of the Developer of that site. Using glitches for personal gain will lead to the revokation of this clause.

    • Manufacturing Department
      Manufacturing scripters with the permission, explicit or implicit, of the Site Developer may test glitches with the same reasonable-use clause as Site Directors. Abuse will result in removal.

  • 1.5 Emergency Class-E
    Upon digression of any Site Director+, any exploiter within the group can be ranked Class-E before any further actions are applied. A report should be filled out immediately afterwards.

  • 1.6 Clearances
    Site Directors have the exclusive permission and ability to change the clearances required to enter certain sectors, not including Sector X. The clearances are as follows:

  • Sector 1: L0+
  • Sector 2: L0+
  • Sector 3: L3+
  • Sector 4: L5+
  • Sector X: [REDACTED]

2. Raid-Time Regulations

  • 2.1 - Raid Minimums
    It is a requirement, at the start of a raid, for there to be at least five combatives and two insurgents. The raid time will begin at the alloted time, but until that time the raid will not be considered in effect (if insurgents come 10 minutes late, then the raid will not be extended by 10 minutes under normal circumstance)

  • 2.11 - Mid-Raid cancellation
    If for a long duration of time (over 8 minutes) there are fewer than three insurgents, or at any time there are fewer than five combatives, the raid will be officially on hold. If there are fewer than five combatives, then by default the raid time will be extended for the time elapsed without combatives in favour of the insurgents. This is not the case, regardless of combative count, if there are fewer than three insurgents.
    2.11 - Addendum: In the event that there is a major breach of any Euclid or Keter Class SCP, the raid will continue until Protocol AD is called, or the breach(es) are contained regardless of status.

  • 2.2 - Protected Locations
    To ensure fairness, the following locations are not to be entered by insurgents:

    1. Sector-I Armoury
    2. Medical Department Spawn
    3. Engineering & Technical Spawn / Manufacturing Department Spawn
    4. Sector 1C Breach Shelter
    5. Sector 2 Breach Shelter
    6. Control Room
    7. MTF Armoury
    8. Gate A Airlock is not to be camped in waiting for combatives

    Insurgents entering this area may void the raid in accordance to raid voiding procedures. Camping outside of these areas will also result in consideration for raid voiding.

    The following locations may not be entered by combatives (during raid time):

    1. Anywhere past the green line by the insurgent spawn
    2. Vents except when insurgents or D-Class are known to be inside the vents (i.e. not a place for combatives to camp)
    3. Gate A Airlock is not to be camped in - wait by the corner at the intersection at a minimum
    4. Vent Access Points (within the closed door - outside is acceptable)

    Concerning Tunnels
    Due to new executive orders, combatives are permitted to enter tunnels. The exception to this will be that, when tunnels are closed the Engineering & Technical, combatives may not wait trapped inside the tunnels. If combatives are trapped inside they must reset or be detained out.

    Failure for combatives to follow these rules may result in disciplinary action, as well as possibly creating an ‘Auto-Win’ for insurgents (see raid wins section)

  • 2.3 - Raid Wins & Losses
    Only The Following personnel are permitted to declare raid wins / losses

    • Members of the Department of External Affairs (as per departmental regulation)
    • Level 5 Personnel and above

    These are the only personnel who can decide who was won or lost a raid (however ultimate authority is granted to the Department of External Affairs). Other decisions are invalid.

    The criteria for legitimate wins for TSH / CI are as follows:

    1. A major breach of a Euclid or Keter humanoid SCP (not including SCP-513) which leads to the initiation of Protocol AD (i.e. sustained for over 30 minutes)

    2. Uncontrollable spreading of an infectious SCP, causing widespread damage and the initiation of Protocol AD (i.e. over 90% of the site infected).

    3. In accordance with Hostage Negotiations

    The criteria for a combative win (i.e. an insurgent loss) are that no major breaches occur and no hostages are taken and not retrieved (i.e. executed in accordance with Hostage Negotations). If any of these do occur, at any point, contained or not contained, according to the database the raid will be marked as a draw.

    In the rare event that there is widespread misconduct in regards to a parties’ actions during raid time, the following can (at the sole discretion of DEA & Site Directors+) be grounds for an auto win for a side:

    1. Evidence that a combatant, either with the support or without the support of their comrades, was blatantly performing major exploits or glitches to assist a side with the raid is grounds for an auto-win for the opposing side.

    2. Evidence that any combatants entered a restricted area (see 2.2) is grounds for an auto-win for the opposing side. Camping restricted zones may also be considered at the discretion of the deciding authority.

    3. The disobedience of any part of Section 2.1 - Raid Minimums (including 2.11 - Mid-Raid cancellation)

  • 2.4 - Use of Restricted Areas During Raid Time
    Personnel may not hide in areas that are not accessible to insurgents. This includes the Breach Shelter, and Sector X. Personnel may not enter these areas for longer than 5 minutes total during raid time. This does not apply to Intelligence or Combative Personnel.

3. Admin Regulations

  • 3.1 - Admin Ban Procedure
    When a user is banned, the following steps should be followed:

    • Investigate - ensure that the user actually performed a bannable act, or that their actions qualify for a ban.
    • Inspect - begin collecting evidence through chatlogs and screenshots via view. If any witnesses, ask for their recording.
    • Interrogate - if possible, PM the user in-game to ask about it. If they leave, you may assume guilt. If they reply, take into account what they have to say into your judgement.

    If you have proceeded through all these criteria, you may go through with the ban procedure. In regards to some common misconceptions:

    • Just because a user has a G36C, or an AK-74u, this does not make them an exploiter. The same goes for them owning high-level cards. Although it is authorised for you to be suspicious of these users, unless they clearly have items they should not (SD armour, RRT Cloak), you should not immediately ban them without following the steps.

    • There is, and has been, a way for D-Class to escape detainment. If a Class-D escapes detainment (not through resetting or through leaving) and instead just breaks out of detainment, they have bought this pass and it must be honoured. It will not be possible to cuff them for a short while, during which you are authorised to terminate them if ethically applicable.

    • Users may no longer be banned for entering classified areas by legitimate means. This includes Sector X, the Warhead Silo, et cetera. If these users simply slipped in past an authorized user, then they do not qualify for a ban. If however, you have sufficient belief that they have glitched or exploited into said areas, you may proceed with the action.

  • 3.2 - Abuse, and consequences
    Abuse is not, and never shall be, cleary defined past the use of admin where not deemed needed for an administrative or functional role. This means that, if it is required to continue gameplay on the site (noclipping to un-glitch an SCP, btoolsing to fix a broken door which is blocking access), viewing / tracking users for exclusively exploit-prevention purposes, or announcing key information via :h, or it is required as part of a divisional role (i.e. Intelligence) then it is permitted. If, on the other hand, it is used to create an unfair advantage, or it is used for the amusement and abusive activites of the user (such as using fun commands like :kidnap) then it is not permitted.

    The sole discretion on the punishment for admin abuse is up to the Developer of the Site → Who can be overruled by the Head Developer → Who can both be overruled by the Manufacturing Overseer, O5 Head & Administrator. O5 Councillors by default do not have a say in admin removal, and these recommendations should be brought up to the Manufacturing Overseer for discussion.

    Punishments - There are three types of punishments, which involve the severity of the offence, and the history of the user.

    • Classification I: Minor - Temporary Removal of Admin - This involves small lapses in judgement, such as teleportation to assist in travel, abuse of PM, or occasional more serious offences (using immature commands such as kidnap, or hole).

    • Classification II: Moderate - Permanent Removal of Admin - This involves multiple classification I offences, or major breaches (using :track %Chaos during raids, abuse of the :ban command to ban enemies unjustly).

    • Classification III: Severe - Emergency Class-E Sentence - This is not from multiple Classification II offences, and instead is when an admin is assumed to be rogue, i.e. banning large groups of users, or running mass-abuse commands such as :loopkill all, and where an Emergency Class-E will be required to prevent any further abuse.

    Appeals should go through the Department of Regulations, or alternatively, the Manufacturing Overseer / Head Developer.

4. Raid Hostage Guidelines

  • 4.1 - Hostage Taking
    Within SCPF, Any Foundation Personnel, Class-E, or Class-D may be taken hostage.
    Within GOIs, any GOI member on-team may be taken hostage.

  • 4.2 - Hostage Tools
    Hostages may have tools or other rights taken away by the hostage taking parties. Breach of these rights will not lead to punishment by Site Rules.

  • 4.3 - Escaping as a Hostage
    Hostages may not leave, glitch, reset, or use any other method to escape captivity. If a hostage has to leave momentarily (rejoining, no AFK leaving) or crashes, they may be teleported back immediately to where they left.

  • 4.4 - Punishment of Hostages for Foundation Law Violations
    Hostages may not be held accountable for on-site rule violations if they were compelled to do so by the hostage takers. This does not open the window for helping the enemy, which is still disallowed. If required, an Ethical Board may decide if an action was justified.

  • 4.5 - Terms of Negotiation Conduct
    Once the terms of negotiations are agreed upon by both parties, they shall be followed by both parties otherwise the raid will be ended and raid time automatically suspended.

    • Addendum: Upon the conclusion of negotiations, any mutually agreed decision shall be honoured by both parties.


Lead Developer of Area 108


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