SCPF Overhead UIs

Recently I’ve been working on an SCPF project with a friend, any feedback on the current overhead UIs would be appreciated.






Hm… Maybe change the name color depending on the class. it’s up to you tho. Otherwise, It looks better than what I can do :slight_smile:

Its really nice, I dont think it can get better

I don’t think it needs improvement, its good as it is.

you could even be more creative by making the overhead ui not visible until someone hovers their mouse over the subject player

This doesn’t look that bad tbh, feedback is appreciated

updated lol, any further feedback would be appreciated.


The over head UI looks pretty good, it looks like the ones in the SCPF games I play. Keep up the work! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Would you be possibly releasing this to public or putting up for sale?