This post is about the official rules for the Site 006 and Area 06. Anyone playing those games are required to follow these rules at all times no matter what. These set of rules will keep you from getting banned from our game and to keep the game a safe and fun place to role play in.
General Rules
Exploiting is not allowed. Anyone exploiting will get permanently banned from the game. Exploiting is also against Roblox rules.
AA (Admin Abuse) is not allowed. Anyone Admin Abusing will be permanently banned or we will take their admin away.
Team killing is not allowed. Team killing can result in a temporary ban.
Breaching SCP’s while being apart of the foundation. This can result in a warning and if done multiple times, a temporary ban.
Glitching into rooms without correct clearance is not allowed. This can result in a warning and if done multiple times, a temporary ban.
Wall shooting is not allowed. Wall shooting is when you point your gun through a wall and shoot through it. This can result in a warning and if done multiple times, a temporary ban.
Harassment is not allowed in any form. You will be kicked from the game.
Spamming into the radio is not allowed. You will be kicked from the game.
Bypassing the Roblox filter is not allowed. You will be kicked from the game.
Follow Roblox rules too.
Game Pass Rules
We are allowed to ban you with no refunds. This does not break Roblox’s rules.
Area 06: O5 Game pass
Spamming the site wide announcement is not allowed. You will be kicked.
Site 006 and Area 06 Moderator Commands
Abusing your power is not allowed. You will be banned or we will take your admin away.
You can trust anyone who is in the official group with a Supervisor rank +.
You can report anyone who breaks these rules to a Supervisor or a higher rank.
You can report Admin Abuse to a Senior Admin or a higher rank.
Only use the Roblox report system if someone is breaking Roblox’s rules. Exploiting, scamming, bypassing filter, etc.
Reporting someone for no reason can result in you getting banned.
Ban Appeals
We allow ban appeals but you have to give a reason (with proof if needed). Keep in mind permanent ban appeals are rarely accepted.
Here is what ban appeals are allowed and not allowed.
- Temporary ban appeals are allowed.
- Permanent ban appeals are allowed.
- Appealing for a friend is not allowed.
- Appealing after a temporary ban is not allowed and is not needed.
- We allow users to appeal after an admin abuse ban but they will not get their admin back if accepted.
Site 006 and Area 06 are held under Vezonix’s account.
Site 006
Area 06
Official Group
You can find the ranks here and more - \[SCPF]/:Special Containment Procedures Foundation - Roblox
These rules are important. We hope for everyone to have their best experience on our SCP RP games. Reporting anyone who breaks these rules to a group admin will help the community stay a safe place. We recommend to share this to anyone who breaks the rules in our SCP games.