Manufacturing Department | Wiedzmin_Pl’s (Ghost’s) SCPF
Group (Special Containment Procedures Foundation) utilises various assets derived from the “SCP Wiki’’ ( ).
The following assets are derived from the SCP Wiki:
- (Sub-)Division/Department Group names.
- Exceptions being: Anomaly Actors, Medical Support Unit, Critical Response Team
- In-Game Teams.
- Exceptions being above-mentioned Division/Department Groups as well as any Groups of Interest not being located within the wiki itself (e.g. MIND, WoS)
- SCPs.
- Excludes any anomalies marked with custom classification (e.g. SCP-C-0000)
- Logos.
- All use the signature SCP Foundation logo in a reworked version; Icons may or may not have been inspired by existing department logos
Armed Research Installation - Echo and our Foundation does not seek to be a "for-profit" group. We intend on bringing improvements to the genre as it stands and having fun in the meantime.
Note: If anyone happens to recognise and be able to prove they made a certain asset that’s currently used in any of our games (and wants it removed), feel free to DM any development team member regarding this issue.