Hello fellow devs!
Currently I am releasing Samurai Era where you can experience the samurai era in Japan, learning historical tips and fun facts at the time.
To help players’ learning, I have added info boards like below.
This place is located near the bridge and the sea.
Here I restore sushi and tempura food stalls at the time,
and put info-boards next to the stalls.
So far, I have added several info-boards, but only the one of sushi is not shown properly.
the local script for this and the file hierarchy is as follows:
local infoBoardsGuis = script.Parent
for _, eachFolder in pairs (game.Workspace.InfoBoards:GetChildren()) do
if eachFolder.ClassName == "Folder" then
for _, eachBoard in pairs (eachFolder:GetChildren()) do
if eachBoard.ClassName == "Model" then
for _, eachGuiFolder in pairs(infoBoardsGuis:GetChildren()) do
if eachGuiFolder.ClassName == "Folder" then
for _, eachFrame in pairs(eachGuiFolder:GetChildren()) do
if eachFrame.Name == eachBoard.Name then
if eachFrame.Visible == false then
eachFrame.Visible = true
eachFrame.Visible = false
For your information, the content of sushi info-board is as follows:
Sushi Stall
Edomae sushi, widely known as “Sushi” all over the world today, was innovative in terms of fresh serve and dramatic reduction of preservation capability of old-type sushi, supposed to have existed from ancient time.
It is believed Hanaya Yohei invented this modern type sushi around 1824. The background of this invention during no-fridge era was fish-rich Tokyo Bay just in front of Tokyo. (“Edo” of Edomae is the old name of Tokyo and “Mae” means “front”.) In addition, Edo was one of the most populated city in the world at the time to develop sushi business easily.
Unlike today, the main business style at the time was food stalls. Each sushi size were doubled from that of today. Also, because the used vinegar was red vinegar, rice color was reddish brown (which you may find in some sushi restaurants today).
I believe no part of content infringes Terms of Use of Roblox.
I want to know why the content is never shown.
I will appreciate if someone help me.