Screen GUI: Frame size not working properly

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    A GUI frame that covers the whole screen

  2. What is the issue?
    I have a ‘ScreenGUI’ with a ‘Frame’, the frames size is {1,0 ,1,0} and position {0,0 ,0,0}. It covers the whole screen as studio view but when I test the game, the frame doesnt cover the whole screen

Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 1.58.45 AM

This is my Frame

My studio view which is correct

Frame does not cover the whole screen even tho the position is {0,0 ,0,0} and size {1,0 ,1,0}

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Tick IgnoreGuiInset under the Properties tab of the ScreenGui. This topic is not suited to Scripting Suport, much better suited to a different category.


Omg thank you a lot. I was trying to offset the frames heght by -0.1 to fill the gap. and increase the vertical size of the frame. to fill the below gap

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