I ran into an issue where my UI wouldn’t show up when using either of the safe inset areas of the ScreenInsets setting along with ClipToDeviceSafeArea enabled. Anything on the right side of the screen works as expected. My UI on the left side would not show unless I offset the button to the right by 1 pixel. I have attached an example place, you can see the issue just by toggling any device with a notch (iPhone 14 Pro) back and forth between the device and pc under the testing tab.
I would expect it to work like it does on the right side of the screen. Even if the frame is off screen it’s still visible, just clipped. If it’s on the left side it’s all or nothing.
Sorry I didn’t respond before, but I looked into your finding and realized this UI was made before anchor points existed, so I migrated it to using anchor points and it solved the issue. There’s no reason I know to support it other than if an abandoned but active game from before that time still needs it
Oh wow interesting, thanks for the historical perspective! I didn’t know there was a time before AnchorPoints existed! Glad to hear your issue is resolved!
I will close this ticket since we currently don’t have active support for negative GuiObject sizes.