Screen tearing in Studio & GPU spikes with "Default" preview

What do you want to achieve?
Enable v-sync and get rid of GPU spikes while using the Default studio preview.

What is the issue?
While using the Default studio preview, there are long “Render” blocks in the microprofilier. This is what I assume is contributing to the GPU spikes. Using the Next Gen preview remedies these spikes in rendering, but there is no v-sync. Activating v-sync specifically for the application only made the problem worse.

What solutions have you tried so far?
Reinstalling Studio completely. Disabling all beta features. Also tried to disable the Next Gen preview specifically, with similar results. With Next Gen, there are no GPU spikes, so I enabled v-sync for Studio in the Nvidia Control Panel, which only reproduced the GPU spikes seen on the Default, onto the Next Gen preview.

Using Default preview, I tab in and out of Roblox Studio. While being in Studio, there are spikes in the “Render Wall.” After tabbing out of Studio, these are gone.

The ‘Render Wall’ and “CPU Wait” times are very long, assuming to be the root of the problem.

Processor: i7-9700K
GPU: RTX 2060S
Free Memory: 6+ GB
Ram: 16 GB

Version Used: 0.654.2.6540482 (64bit)
Latest Version: 0.654.2.6540482
(using latest version)

Has anyone experienced this before?
I’ve settled on using the Next Gen preview for now, just because I can tolerate the lack of v-sync. But while using the Default preview, it is completely impossible to use the application. Moving around in the world space is very laggy.

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Roblox Support recommended I reset my Studio Settings. I did, which fixed my v-sync issue.
However, the GPU spikes while using the default Studio UI persist.

What is free memory ,has the rest of the 16gb taken from a big program