ScreenShare | Free Game Source [UPDATED] [OVERHAUL]

Have you ever seen one of these “roblox in roblox” games or “watch youtube” games that some youtubers made videos on, but when you tried to join those games the creator’s server wasn’t running?

Well i am sharing the source code of my screensharing game that you and your friends can play around with.

Huge Update: New Map and HUGE performance upgrades!

Update 4.0: Added video downloading & caching functionality.

Update 4.7: Added mouse functionality, auto roblox finder, config editor, and much more!

Link To Files: GitHub - Reb0rnEnder/ScreenBlox: Send video data to roblox games.

DISCLAIMER: This isn’t against roblox’s terms of use, this can only be used to convert the screen to colours that are stored on a local web server and then loaded by the game to color frames accordingly.


This looks cool! Can you attach a video of using it?


Here you go!
also keep in mind that changing the resolution to a higher one might crash the roblox client! (OLD VERSION ONLY)


It looks COOL, however i would recommend checking the Terms Of Service just incase this breaks it.


Looking at the code, you should try EditableImage. It has better performance while drawing an image, but just remember to use EditableImage:WritePixels() instead of drawing pixels one by one.


That looks nice, I’ll try to implement that.

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This shouldn’t be against tos however it will be if you show some not Roblox friendly images on screen.


nvm i can’t cuz uhh idk how to


It shouldn’t be that hard there’s probably guides on how to do it

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look man its not that easy and the whole Editable Image thingy has almost no documentation

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How about you use a module called canvasdraw 4.0b since the creator switched to editableimages(which have a limit of 1024x1024 im pretty sure)CanvasDraw - A powerful pixel-based graphics engine (Draw pixels, lines, triangles, read PNG image data, and much more!)

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i tried to use it but it dosen’t seem to work also the editableimage is a studio only beta feature i think?
(edited) it works now

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OMG this module is so fast ty!!!

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You’re welcome oh btw how much fps have you managed so far

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didn’t add that yet, im testing with math.random pixels cuz im having trouble with the screen pixel data cuz you can’t do httpservice on localscript and the remoteevent data limit is 900 Bytes but the screen pixel data is ~1MB

maybe seperate the data to chunks

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um that woould be slow

1 megabyte =
1 000 000 bytes

every solution is extrenmy slow i think that using editableimage on a server script is very hard.

i didn’t actually need to chunk the data cuz i sent the date and the client did the work
i have 480p now (no lag)

Update here

You can use for port forwarding (set tcp on port 8080)