Screenshot = Badge

Hello! I’m trying to make a script that awards a player a badge if they take a screenshot in the game. I just can’t think of any script. No tutorials, videos, nothing. I know its possible because there is a badge in a game that can do this.
Any Ideas of how to do this?
Any help will be appreciated!

The badge that can do this

I think this badge was awarded for standing on the photo platform but I may be wrong, this might not be an example of what you want.
I never took a screenshot but still own said badge.

Something like this should do the job:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")

local id = 12345678

	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Print then
		game:GetService("BadgeService"):AwardBadge(player.UserId, id)

I can’t get it to replicate on Studio, but this is the closest I’ve gotten.

An actual screenshot?

Maybe award the badge when they interact with the camera, it would be simpler

This youtube video might help us

All scripts under StarterPlayerScripts
Module Script:

local userInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

local Input = {}

local binds = {}

function Input.BindKeyPresses(name, callback, ...)
	local keys = table.pack(...)
	keys.n = nil 

	binds[name] = userInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
		if input.KeyCode and input.KeyCode == keys[#keys] then 

			for i, key in pairs(keys) do 
				if not userInputService:IsKeyDown(key) then




function Input.UnbindKeyPresses(name)
	if binds[name] then 

return Input

Local Script

local input = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Input"))

local badgeId =  --Insert badge Id here

input.BindKeyPresses("Test", function()
	print("key were pressed")
end, Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl, Enum.KeyCode.T)

if  --award badge here

On the line below for the local script, it said there is no such thing as Windows or the PrtSc key.

Unfortunately this event/signal is restricted to CoreScripts.

Sadly, it’s not possible to do that.