Screenshots are completely black

Plain and simple - all my Studio screenshots turn out completely black. Happens every time I attempt to take a screenshot (occurs in both current version of Studio for Mac and the “Future is Bright” build). File sizes are consistent, always ~3KB of darkness. OS X version is 10.12.4, graphics, I’m assuming, is NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M 512 MB. Started a number of weeks ago; unsure of the particular date.


I got a good creepypasta story idea out of this, but otherwise I’m getting a little irritated with all these Mac-exclusive bugs, most bug reports of which have not yet been resolved or outright looked over.

Yes I just got a mac for christmas and it seems that there is another bug that pops up every thirty seconds. Im thinking I’m just going to have to stick to developing on my windows toaster

I don’t have this issue. What are you using to screenshot?


Shift command 4


Sorry for late reply. If you haven’t already, use shift command 4 as Asimo rightly said to screen cap some of your screen, or Shift Command 3 to screen cap all of it

Thanks for reporting this! Looks like the builtin screenshot function was broken on Mac. It should be fixed next week.

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Should be fixed now (make sure your Studio version is 321).

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