Script a custom car

Ello. When I finish making a car in blender and import it to Roblox. I will need the car to move. So I want to make the car moving script. K got no clue how.i would do that. I haven’t found anything on it. Could I have some resources to look at on how to script a car AND how to make cat guages.

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If you just search up “How to make a car” you will find many resources on youtube.

I think you will need to put a vehicleseat inside your car too.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

I’m trying to make a custom car script. Where all the videos on the internet use free model scripts. So I’m trying to see if anyone has resources to help me make a custom script.

You could implement this on your car.

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Car systems are typically a lot of work and one of the systems you work on for months (and even longer). Many car systems cost tens of thousands of robux, I don’t think someone will just give you a brand-new car script. You should probably look at those videos.

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This is what is there in roblox tutorials.
So you can just keep your model instead of just blocks as given in the article.

I’m asking like if there are tutorials on the internet on how to script cars

Hmm, I think that would work. Do you know how you would script a speedometer?

Hmm, I’ll check it out when I get on pc.

If you’re interested, I’ll give you a simplified version of my chassis to experiment with. It’s really easy to understand!

Did you use the a chassis script that’s a free model?

No, it’s an extremely simple input script

Could I see the script? Also how did you make your car that cool? Did you need to anchor parts on the car? Also how could I make a car?

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All the parts are welded parts, the wheels are cylinders and physics based, but controlled by physics constraints. I’ll share it with you around 9PM EST

Do they have to be welded?Ok, I’ll wait at 9pm est to see.

Since I’m not fully sure how I even would build the car lol