Script Analysis: Ability to click section headers to go to script

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to:

Find the location of the script that is being warned about in Script Analysis. You can double click on the error/warning to open the script up but you can’t double click on the script location being displayed to select it in the explorer.

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So I have inserted a model into workspace from the toolbox. This model has a bunch of parts. Some parts contain scripts, a lot of times those scripts are unwanted. I use a script I made to run through this model quickly searching for unwanted things and deleting them, I use the command bar to do this. However sometimes it doesn’t catch all of them because there are all kinds of unwanted things in the toolbox and its not going to be easy to catch them all anyway.

Here is a visual of what I am talking about:
See where it says “Unknown global” I can double click that and it will open the script.
See where I have it highlighted? I can’t double click that to find it in the workspace, but I would like to be able to do that and I am sure a lot of others would agree.

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As a note, you can right click any open script tab and select “show in explorer” to find it in the explorer. In other words:

  • Double click the error
  • Right click the opened script tab
  • Click “show in explorer”

This obviously isn’t intuitive enough though, so the feature request is fine.


I actually didn’t know that. Thanks for that tip! Still would like to be able to do as I mentioned above but I guess this will have to do if what I mentioned never gets implemented.