Script Analysis window not listing warning in some specific case with long scripts with errors

Reproduction Steps

  1. Start a new baseplate
  2. Create a new script
  3. Go to the script editor
  4. Paste the content of the script (sent in PM) - here the warnings in Script Analysis windows are listed
  5. Run (here it will stop on line 11 with an error)
  6. Stop (here the warnings in Script Analysis windows are NOT listed
  7. Click on the “Warnings” button and the warnings will still not be listed

Expected Behavior

  1. Script Analysis window should list the warnings as below:

Actual Behavior
The count of warnings are shown, but not the list of warnings:

Click on the Baseplate window will update the Script Analisys window

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
A private message is associated with this bug report

Yes, as I said on

This is a specific case, that’s why I sent a PM with my current script, I couldn’t reproduce the same situation with other scripts…

1 Like

Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


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