Script can't detect body's part children after reset

Hello guys, so I was trying to make a weapons that require 2 arms and follow How to ANIMATE TOOLS | HowToRoblox - YouTube.

But in the tutorial, the script is serve for 1 arm only purpose so I decided to rewrite it myself for the script to be function with 2 arms.
The problem is, it works well in the first place, but when I reset, the script doesn’t seem to detect the Motor6D even though the Motor6D was in there in the first place.

— Adding Motor6D to every part of the body [Server Script] —

I failed to follow the tutorial, so I decided to test both RemoteEvent and RemoteFunction but they still give the same result

— RemoveEvent & RemoteFunction [Server Script] —

— Local Script —

Here is the server response although the Motor6D is still inside the body’s parts. Pretty weird

I hope I can get help from this topic, I appreciate any helps. Thank you !

EDIT : here is what the server prints before reset
(Sorry for my bad English)

Hello, try using CharacterAppearanceLoaded of CharacterAdded, you’re doing character:FindFirstChild(“Right Arm”) which means if the arm is not there when the character spawns it’ll set the parent of the motor6d to nil.

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Well, I used it for both Client and Server script and it doesn’t seem to work

instead of findfirstchild for the arms use waitforchild as the arms may have not loaded yet