Script can't find boolean attributes

Hello, fellow people! So, I was scripting my gun system (just started it) and I encountered a problem. There is a Boolean attribute inside of the gun (model) named IsReloading. And basically the script has a part where if it can’t find any of the given attributes (in a table) it throws out an error and returns nil. I do have the attribute inside of the gun, but it’s skipping it. When I make the IsReloading attribute any other, for example, string or number. It perfectly works. It might be a bug, but I’m not sure. I could use folders instead of attributes which isn’t a problem, but I want this problem to be spotted by developers.

Module Script:

--// Tables
local _Weapon = {}

--// Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

--// ReplicatedStorage Variables
local Weapons = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Weapons")

--// Main functions
function _Weapon:InitializeWeapon(weapon : Model)
	local AttributesRequired = {
		[1] = "WeaponType"; -- Weapon type (Pistol, Automatic, Semi-Automatic, Shotgun, Sniper)
		[2] = "Recoil"; -- Vector3 value
		[3] = "MaxBullets"; -- Max bullets you can have at a time
		[4] = "CurrentAmmoAmount"; -- Current ammo
		[5] = "IsReloading"; -- Will be set to true if you're reloading the gun at the moment.

	for i, v in pairs(AttributesRequired) do
		if not weapon:GetAttribute(v) then
			warn(string.format(("There isn't a(n) %s attribute in %s."), v, weapon.Name))
			return nil
	print("All perfect!")

--// Other
return _Weapon

Main script (that I used for testing):

local _Weapon = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules:WaitForChild("_Weapon"))


A picture that shows the attributes:

Thank you for reading!

This happens because :GetAttribute() returns the attribute value, so technically you’re checking if the IsReloading attribute exists OR equals true.

To fix this, you need to set a variable to the attribute value and then check if that attribute first exists.

local attr = weapon:GetAttribute(v)
if attr == nil then -- If the attribute is set to 'false' then the 'if attribute then' will fail.
  warn("Failed to find attribute")

Okay I’ll try that! Thank you!

No problem! Lemme know if it doesn’t work

Thank you so much! That worked! (I can’t believe I wasted 2 hours on that lol…)

No problem! If you want more information just read the wiki page on Attributes.

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