Script can't find the part


The print


Script in serverscriptservice

Why do you have that in ReplicatedFirst? Pretty sure ReplicatedFirst only replicates to clients, not the server. You should put the BossAttackType folder in ReplicatedStorage instead.
Also, if you want to put the Ring into a player’s RootPart then you should Clone it and then Parent it to their RootPart like so:

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").BossAttackType.Attack1Boss.Ring:Clone().Parent = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart

because my friend told me you can use “replicatedfirst”

Try using a WaitForChild. It might be your script just doesn’t find the object yet.

ReplicatedFirst is typically for custom loading screens. LocalScripts in ReplicatedFirst run before anything else, and you don’t need that here.