The print
Script in serverscriptservice
Why do you have that in ReplicatedFirst
? Pretty sure ReplicatedFirst
only replicates to clients, not the server. You should put the BossAttackType folder in ReplicatedStorage
Also, if you want to put the Ring into a player’s RootPart then you should Clone it and then Parent it to their RootPart like so:
game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").BossAttackType.Attack1Boss.Ring:Clone().Parent = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart
because my friend told me you can use “replicatedfirst”
Try using a WaitForChild. It might be your script just doesn’t find the object yet.
ReplicatedFirst is typically for custom loading screens. LocalScripts in ReplicatedFirst run before anything else, and you don’t need that here.