Giving access to folder-like services via AccessOutsideWrites would essentially bring back a game I previously had to shut down due to scripting vulnerabilities (Abuse of Ban API, InsertService etc) without having to tell hundreds of its creators (most who will have moved on) to update their maps.
Using getfenv or setfenv is entirely broken when sandboxed even when allowing all permissions, is this intentional due to its enviornment changing nature? Because I had the enviornment sandbox option turned on.
Noticed I can no longer call game:getdescendants() without an error.
“The current thread cannot access ‘StreamingService’ (lacking capability Assistant)”
I currently do this to iterate through all parts of the game in order to properly setup sounds, clean up some welds etc. Feel like this behavior doesnt need to break, rather it should just not iterate over stuff like StreamingService