Script correction and execution challenge

What they gave me was a script that when typing a word in the roblox chat opens a GUI with a text and after a predetermined time the GUI closes.
I also need how and where to place the script and to create the GUI.

I would also like to have a distance to say the word and open the GUI, you can use as a reference a Part or a simple block.

This is the script provided

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")

local GUI = -- Insert the GUI object you want to open here
local keyword = "tupalabra" -- Replace "tupalabra" with the word you want to detect in chat
local displayTime = 5 -- Replace 5 with the number of seconds you want the GUI to be displayed. antes de cerrarse automáticamente

ChatService.ChatProcessed:Connect(function(player, message, channel)
    if message:lower() == keyword then
        -- Open the GUI here
        GUI.Enabled = true
        -- Closes the GUI after a certain time
        GUI.Enabled = false

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The code should be inside a local script inside StarterGui. The gui also should be placed inside StarterGui. I’m guessing the gui intended is a ScreenGui. I’m guessing you’re new to guis so here’s a tutorial.

When you say this, i’m guessing you also want the player to be within a certain distance to an object in order for the gui to appear

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")

local GUI = -- Insert the GUI object you want to open here
local part = -- Part that will be used as a reference point to calculate the distance
local keyword = "tupalabra" -- Replace "tupalabra" with the word you want to detect in chat
local distanceRequired = 10 -- Distance required for the gui to open
local displayTime = 5 -- Replace 5 with the number of seconds you want the GUI to be displayed. antes de cerrarse automáticamente

ChatService.ChatProcessed:Connect(function(player, message, channel)
	local character = player.Character
	if not character then return end
	if message:lower() == keyword and (part.Position - character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position).Magnitude <= distanceRequired then
		-- Open the GUI here
		GUI.Enabled = true
		-- Closes the GUI after a certain time
		GUI.Enabled = false
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local GUI ='ScreenGui')
GUI.Parent = game.ServerStorage
GUI.Enabled = false

local frame ='Frame')
frame.Size =,0,0.5,0)
frame.Position =,0,0.5,0)
frame.AnchorPoint =,0.5)
frame.BorderSizePixel = 0
frame.Parent = GUI

local zone ='Part') -- You can replace this with any part. I.E. workspace.Part
zone.Size =,1,4) -- You also don't need a part for the zone at all, I just decided to do it this way.
zone.Anchored = true
zone.CanCollide = false
zone.Transparency = 1
zone.Name = "Zone"
zone.Position =,0,0)
zone.Parent = workspace

local keyword = "tupalabra"
local displayTime = 5
local distance = 10

	local UI = GUI:Clone()
	UI.Parent = plr.PlayerGui
		if string.lower(msg) == 'tupalabra' and (zone.Position - 
plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude <= distance then
			UI.Enabled = true 
			UI.Enabled = false

I know how to create GUI, but what I find difficult are the scripts.
I did everything you asked me to do but I have my doubts because it didn’t work.
First doubt
-The local script must be inside the StarterGui or ScreenGui.
What are you trying to say when you tell me to insert the gui? what do I have to put in this line?

What do I put in this line of the code, the name of my Part? if so, how do I put it? with parenthesis?

Or we can make it easier, you can send it to me as a complete model or you can also send it to me as a file**

I’d just put the gui inside the ScreenGui to make it simple.
Here’s what you define the variables as:

local GUI = script.Parent
local part = workspace["Part"] -- Put the name of the part inside the quotation marks

I’d highly recommend learning the basics of scripting. TheDevKing has a good series on roblox scripting.

If you still have problems after, then let me know.

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