Script doesnt work even though there is no errors at all

so basically im trying to make a part do something when the tool is in a specific mode

the scripts for example

module in tool
local in tool

so then i added a part and wrote this script
but it does nothing when i click on the part, how can i fix this? there is no errors too.
(the part is meant to make the player jump btw)
and also ignore the glovemode error thats a common error in the tool itself and it still works


so havent read your post, but mostly when it wont print a error its a logical script… anyways ill get back to reading your post!

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GloveModes.JumpPlatform() doesn’t return anything… so that if statement will never be true, and it won’t run.


one request can you send me a video when you try it out… and i just wanna inform you just in case that you set the click function as “RightMouseClick”

oh and another thing is most of these click functions have ‘:connect(function()’ for ex:


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The problem I see here is that you’re requiring the module from StarterPack and then using script.Parent in that module. Instead, try using require(script.Parent.GloveModule)


the right click is for changing modes tho… anyways here is ya video

ahhh… maybe @hey_imworst is right… try it out!!

oh and i told you this for more info cuz i havent seen anyone not put :connect


but the script parent in the module is for putting the script in that to the part with the script in it

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have you tried putting a “:connect”?

Can you explain what you’re trying to do again? Requiring the module from the tool the player is using itself should be working fine.

changing a part’s mode only on a specific mode tool is using.
and about this

somehow this doesnt work

can you give a screenshot of the whole module scripts ect?

if GloveMode.JumpPlatform() then

The above code in the if statement will never run. Your function JumpPlatform does not return anything!

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The event for click detector click detection is Right Mouse click , you have to connect events so do

local Click = script.Parent.ClickDetector
 -- Rest of the Code

i already did in the original post???

Can I see your explorer in studio? I don’t understand why that wouldn’t be working.

i see… but when i put == for it it doesnt work and it gives more errors

you didnt it needs to connect all you typed was: