Script doesnt work even though there is no errors at all

i pretty much explained why it whould work and maybe its a problem on your module…

checking if its module problems

try putting a print after the if statement and if it prints its a module problemo

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Let me explain to you what problems were in your script.

  1. You didn’t connect the event to a function.
  2. You cannot require a module script in serverscriptservice if the main script is local.
  3. StarterPack copies every single tool inside it to all the player’s backpacks, meaning that its pointless to require the module from there amd it won’t work.
  4. The if GloveMode.JumpPlatform() then will return nothing if you have no returns in your script + won’t work like that.
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wait, i dont think its any tool error or module error

a mode changing system for glove is attached to the right click so the part one cant work
omg i see the problem now

ah makes sense… hey @BuilderityRBLX try putting the module to ReplicatedStorage and not ServerScriptService since you cant access the Server with Clients

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No. It’s probably not that as well.
In your video, you require the script from serverscriptstorage which will not work since clients do not have access to the server.

highly suggest doing this too loool

yeah it does make a lot of sense if you think about it…

i tried the thing you told me and @WhatDid_HeDo’s idea (changing location)

and nope
doesnt work :grimacing: even the print one

i found this post where same problem, and the solution as you can see is putting the module scriot to replicated

i tried changing to replicated and it still didnt work

oof… i really dont know why that occurs :grimacing:

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ya same… im thinking of rewriting every script but i see no point on doing it :confused:

no no no… never give up!! i mean rick astley never gave you up so dont give up on your ideals!!!

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I did not say to put the return in there. Here, let me give an example.

(GloveMode JumpPlatform())

function GloveModes.JumpPlatform()
    script.Parent.HandNeon.BrickColor ="Alder")
    script.Parent.WireNeon.BrickColor ="Alder")
    return true

(Clickdetector Script)

local clickdetector = game.workspace:FindFirstChild("TheNameOfTheClickDetectorPart").ClickDetector
  local PlatformMode = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.PlatformMode)
  local GloveMode = require(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.Tool.GloveModule)
  local modulefunction = GloveMode.JumpPlatform()
  if modulefunction == true then

i mean… yeah it is important to put where something belongs to so maybe thats why???

it gives this error when i try no matter the mode

assuming this is the localscript in the starterpack the line is this

Changed the script a bit, try again. It should work now.

still the same error 30 chaaracterssss

Are you sure that the GloveModule is in the Tool?
If it is then, are you sure that you put the return true in GloveModes.JumpPlatform?
I made a typo in the previous script, you need to change the GloveModule to GloveMode. in line 5.



still same error when i fixed it