Script done step-by-step according to documentation, yet refuses to react

So i’m stuck once again, because even though i’ve followed pretty much all steps that matter for this one script, it still returns nothing on the output, the script itself for reference:

local button = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local function onClicked(player)

here’s the resource i used for correcting any mistakes:

And yet, upon clicking it, again, no reaction whatsoever, could it perhaps be because the resource itself is simply a bit dated, or could there be any other reason (for yet another reference, i am running this on a LocalScript)

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LocalScripts do not run in Workspace. You need to use a Script

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in that case, i presume only way to make things happen on local level is to use RemoteEvents

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You can detect ClickDetectors on the server though.

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No, actually. Scripts have a “RunContext” property which allow you to set their execution context to the client. This would effectively make them LocalScripts which can execute a in non-native environment. I don’t jive with using that property as it has caveats, and I prefer not to go against environmental designations. You can alternatively use a LocalScript in a designated environment and reference the ClickDetector from Workspace. You will still be able to detect interactions with the ClickDetector, just not from other clients


exactly what i needed, thank you

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