So i’m stuck once again, because even though i’ve followed pretty much all steps that matter for this one script, it still returns nothing on the output, the script itself for reference:
local button = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local function onClicked(player)
here’s the resource i used for correcting any mistakes:
And yet, upon clicking it, again, no reaction whatsoever, could it perhaps be because the resource itself is simply a bit dated, or could there be any other reason (for yet another reference, i am running this on a LocalScript)
No, actually. Scripts have a “RunContext” property which allow you to set their execution context to the client. This would effectively make them LocalScripts which can execute a in non-native environment. I don’t jive with using that property as it has caveats, and I prefer not to go against environmental designations. You can alternatively use a LocalScript in a designated environment and reference the ClickDetector from Workspace. You will still be able to detect interactions with the ClickDetector, just not from other clients