Hi. As the title states, the script gets weird with selecting multiple lines and having spaces between lines, despite the left-side line counter skipping it.
The bug happens in the script editor, mostly to the left near the line-counter, and in between the lines.
It started happening after I pasted some code from notes that I edited, then switched to a different window after pasting and editing a little bit, and then switching back.
Because I’m using a Mac, there is a good chance it is caused by UNIX style line endings. It wasn’t specified in preferences nor found online. Here is a gif of copy/pasting: https://gyazo.com/209eec436551b1f9af47e6c689f6b8a2
https://gyazo.com/dbb40bc167987debeba7aaa5f2c0310b a gif of the line glitch
An image of the lines spaced out for no reason.
How to reproduce:
Paste code from studio to Notes, edit some lines in the Notes app, write some stuff and use characters like - twice for comments, then copy paste the entire note into the script editor, covering up whatever was there before. Switch to a different window, switch back, and the lines are spread apart.