Script Editor Marks!

In other text editors such as Vim, I’m able to “mark” lines of code. Let’s say I’m editing a 1,000 line document and I’m currently looking at line 700. If I need to look at some variable at the top of the script, I currently need to remember line 700, scroll to the top, then precisely scroll back to where I was. Ideally, I’d like to be able to use a keystroke to “mark” line 700, scroll to the top, then use another keystroke to jump the scrolling bar to my mark. This one feature is pretty simple but would be an enormous quality of life booster.

Edit: I’m aware I can leave my cursor on the line I was at and type something to jump back… but I’d like to be able to make edits and easily return to where I was.


EDIT: Nevermind, thanks @cxmeels for the correction! You could use the “find” tool, though it is extremely tedious. Just search any specific variable. The only problem is it gives you every time that you use said variable…

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Don’t mistake breakpoints for bookmarks. That’s a debugging feature that’s designed to stop your code when it hits that point so you can inspect the current state.


Thank you for the feature request! We are looking for ways to improve script navigation generally, and this seems like it would fit that theme perfectly. We will take this into consideration, and reach out if we need any more information.


I know this is off-topic but I cannot post anywhere else in feature requests. So here it goes

Great idea, I would really benefit from this feature.

It’s not quite as simple as your ‘marking’ system, however:

You can easily jump to a particular line number by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + G (or + G on mac). This shortcut brings up a small window (shown below) where you can input a line number to jump to!

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