Script Editor - Semantic Highlighting and Temporary Tabs are now in Beta!

We’re currently working on autocomplete (it’s a big project!) that will be more accurate and include Luau support :smiley:


Nice update, definitely not using the light theme tho lol


What functionality or use cases are you looking to support?


Visual Studio and other editors have temporary tabs as the default behavior similar to the current Studio Beta feature implementation.


Hey @Dekkonot, thank you for the kind words! There’s actually an existing hotkey for duplicating a line or selected text, it’s Ctrl+Shift+D and it’s also configurable from the “Customize Shortcut” menu.

Based on all the feedback we get we’ll look into adding a setting to disable temporary tabs :slight_smile:


I think this should be off by default. It’s super unfriendly to most users, not just power users, in my opinion.

Honestly I don’t understand why you are putting lots of work into the editor, instead of making it easier to use third-party editors/offering better support for them, such as vscode.

I might be missing something, but I feel like the third party editors will always be better (since they have much bigger teams working on them).


Hey @evaera, the middle code sample is the Light theme version that’s similar to Sublime. Although it’s not a white background, it presents a lighter background compared to the dark theme :slight_smile:


This was a bug in the beta that should be fixed soon! Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile:


You can go to Studio Settings > Script Editor Color Presets!


This is awesome!

Now I can start making studio look like VS code!
I’ve been wanting to see more customizability in the code editor for awhile now.


While the Roblox editor gets improved, using VSCode is a lot more convenient since it allows extensions and it has better autocompletion (at least right now). Having it integrated into Studio would just be more convenient, since you don’t need to worry about connecting/starting a Rojo server by yourself. Not to mention, since it’s unofficial, I’m sure there would be a better way of syncing files using some in house methods.

Thank you for bringing this up, we’ll look into this!


That’s a great suggestion, we’ll look into it!


This should be a preset, the colors look really good.


We’ll look into adding a setting to disable this, if the focus is kept on the Explorer when single clicking, does that fix your issue?

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It’s the Extra 2 light theme preset!

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This is great! I was able to create a spinoff of the ‘Dracula’ theme:

Here is the coloring if anyone is interested.

Color Values


Doesn’t look like that for me, is it a bug or something?

Not sure if this is a bug but I’ve just opened a script to find most of the keyworks are black;
I tried going to studio settings and setting the preset from ‘custom’ (which has been overriden :rage:) to ‘default’ - restarted studio and the sae colours persist.

Can you please retain the colour scheme before this feature as the ‘default’ as this can be a little jarring for someone like me whose gotten used to the existing colour scheme.

Also, I’m a little dyslexic so I’ve probably missed it - but I couldn’t find an option to disable the ‘script preview’.
I much prefer double clicking a script to opening it, and I typically single-click a script to select or group select multiple scripts - however when I do this now - the preview either overrides my 3D view or the script I have open that I’m editing.
I find this very annoying and am concerned for those that work on many scripts at a time.

I appreciate the effort and quality that has gone into this update, however, it has been said many times that you do not need tore-invent the wheel over and over again for things that already work and are fine (such as the script preview).

These sort of things also introduce lack of consistency to workflow.
For example

  • Opening a folder or a model takes two clicks.
  • Opening a folder in the assets menu takes one click (not sure if this has been fixed)

Its generally best practice to follow the OS’ workflow for navigation and interaction with text documents and folders.
Please add an option to disable script previewing.