Script Editor - Semantic Highlighting and Temporary Tabs are now in Beta!

--TODO comments should also highlight the entire line, not just the individual word

I disagree here, I think TODO should only highlight the key itself, otherwise it gets cluttery and over time you get desensitized to looking for them.

Additionally, the current behaviour lets you recolor the TODO/FIXME keyword to something really noticeable (like harsh red) without screwing with the rest of the sentence’s readability.

This is preference really, but I think it’s important (as feedback to Roblox) that I provide this counter argument.


what are the color settings for those colors?

Same happens for me :frowning:

While I cannot give a 100% guarantee of safety for any beta feature, I can say that none of these features (are intended to) change anything about the actual code contents of the scripts. They only modify how scripts are displayed in Roblox Studio’s code editor. It would, therefore, be hard to see any scenario in which they change the behavior of your code (except perhaps “causing the human to make a mistake”).


This update is truly hot and epic. I am excited for this to be added. One question, can I enable this now through the beta features tab.

The highlighting does not work properly in this case

I think this is something about the new temporary tab feature or a bug, or maybe it’s not even related to this update, but whenever you click a script from the output window, it clears all the edit record of the script (you can’t Ctrl-Z or Ctrl-Y to undo or redo). Plus, it will go back to the first initial line of the script. This is really annoying when I have thousand of lines in a script and I have to memorize the line that I was editing on and go back by using the Go-To line function (Ctrl-G). Am I doing it in a wrong way or it’s a bug?


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Pretty cool, I managed to make a vs code style theme, I suggest to have like a table key and table index setting to change the color for the keys and the indexes

Yay! Can we also please have ctrl+shift+tab to go back the other way? Super useful being able to flip back and forth.

I just came here to complain about temporary tabs. lol. It’s driving me crazy and slowing me down. Changes like that need some kind of pop up window vs the blue What’s new ribbon because I have auto install betas on and I’m pulling my hair out. Trying to change the name of a script, hitting delete and nothing is deleting, than I look at the script and the first 3 letters are missing… Oh the anxiety! I closed studio a few times, thinking it was broken! Hilarious!



I’m not sure if there is a dedicated bug reporting channel for the beta, so I’ll post this here:


With the new “Script Editor Beta Features” enabled,

You cannot copy scripts by clicking on them in the explorer, and then pressing control + C.


  1. Have “Script Editor Beta Features” enabled
  2. Open the game explorer
  3. Click on a script / module-script / local-script instance in the explorer
  4. Attempt to copy it with by holding control and then pressing C
  5. Attempt to paste it and note that it was not copied (nothing/something else will be pasted)
  6. Not convinced? Copy a non-script instance (such as a part) with control C
  7. Paste it into (ctrl+shift+v) an instance and note that it works fine

OS: Windows 10
Other beta features enabled: “Safe Studio Updates”

Tested with expressive output on/off, reproduces both time

Precision Guesswork:
I’m guessing the new “preview” function is causing this. Just a hunch since this behaviour is isolated to script / ModuleScript / LocalScript instances.

Feel free to message me if you need more info!

This is incredible! I got use to coding in Visual Studio Code because I’m adjusted to using custom syntax, however I like what they’re doing here.

Awesome work!

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Am I blind? I am proud to be able to advance further!

So this is what has been happening to my Studio the last few days.

Is there a way to disable this? It’s actually super annoying.

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Some scripts are labeled with the AssetID URL instead of the name of the script.

(I apologize for the code smell in advanced, was working on re-doing some games from 2010-2012)

I got the same issue here! I had Extra 2 theme before enabling the beta feature. After I enabled the feature all of the keywords are black now…

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Just spitballing an idea here - but what if there was an option to change it to right click (or a custom keybind :eyes:), so that when you right click a script it’ll open the normal right click menu but also shows the script preview? It would make sense in my mind as a workflow because it lets us quickly see the script while also bringing up the options menu to do thing to said script.

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I do like the changes, but while we’re on the topic of editor appearance could you consider my (rather isolated) issue

Really cool features!

A quick bug I noticed, however, is that when you hold control and press backspace to delete full words, the line highlight becomes incorrect until I press another key.

I pressed control + backspace twice to delete “Test Comment,” and the highlight moved down by two lines.

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I can’t find this in my studio settings. I have enabled the syntax highlighting beta feature so I am very confused. Thanks in advance!!! :smile:
Edit: I would like to specify that I am looking for the new themes everything else is working fine.