Script Error in my Vector3 coordinates

I was trying to make some flood water rise, but for some reason one of my coordinates in the script have an error with the comma. Please help me out and if you didn’t understand what I said then here’s a screenshot.


You need Vector3 coordinates to be wrapped in

You can’t set a position value to parentheses with numbers inside. You have to use the constructor.

FloodWater.Position =, -22, -0)

Also, I would recommend using a loop for this. This will make your code a lot smaller and more efficient

for i = 0, 10, 1 do
    FloodWater.Position =, i, -0)

This is just an example. The number you are increasing your floodwater by every time is not consistent, so I just put 1 as the number i goes up by each time it loops.

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Thank you, I just started scripting today actually and I thought that Vector3 was only for creating like some “Vector3 Variable” thing or whatever. Thank you for the help anyways.

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