Script Error... What do I do to fix?

I have a color wheel that I want to change the color value of a hair. I have two scripts, local, and server. the serverscript has an error, and i dunno how to fix. (error: Line 5, attempt to concatenate string with instance)
Server script

local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ColorChange

Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, ActionRemote, BackgroundColor3)
	local dummy = game.Workspace.customizegui.l
	local hair = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Hair["Hair" .. BackgroundColor3] -- error is here btw
	if ActionRemote == "ChangeColor" then
		if hair.BrickColor then
		local x = game:GetService("StarterGui").CustomizeGUI.ColourWheelGui.ColourDisplay.BackgroundColor3
		x.Parent = hair

Local Script:

local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ColorChange
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer 
local PGUI = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")   
local ColourWheelGui = game:GetService("StarterGui").CustomizeGUI.ColourWheelGui
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")     
local mouse = player:GetMouse()   
	Remote:FireServer("ChangeColor", mouse.Target,ColourWheelGui.ColourDisplay.BackgroundColor3)
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It looks like the error is occurring because you are trying to concatenate a string and an instance ( "Hair" .. BackgroundColor3 ). In Roblox, you can only concatenate strings with other strings, so you’ll need to convert the instance to a string before you can concatenate it.

One way to do this is to use the tostring() function, which will convert the instance to a string. You can then use that string to access the Hair object in game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") .

Your confusing the script with a regular string value, and a color3 value.

heres what i changed:

local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ColorChange

Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, ActionRemote, BackgroundColor3)
	local dummy = game.Workspace.customizegui.l
	local hair = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Hair["Hair" .. tostring(BackgroundColor3)]
	if ActionRemote == "ChangeColor" then
		if hair.BrickColor then
		local x = game:GetService("StarterGui").CustomizeGUI.ColourWheelGui.ColourDisplay.BackgroundColor3
		x.Parent = hair

Got a new error that says “HairTerrain is not a valid member of folder ReplicatedStorage.Hair”

The error you are seeing is caused by attempting to concatenate a string with an instance. In this case, the error is occurring on the following line of code:

local hair = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Hair["Hair" .. BackgroundColor3]

In this line, you are trying to access a property of the Hair object in the ReplicatedStorage service by concatenating the string “Hair” with the BackgroundColor3 value. However, BackgroundColor3 is an instance of the Color3 class, not a string, so you cannot concatenate it with a string.

To fix this error, you can convert the BackgroundColor3 value to a string using the tostring function, and then concatenate it with the “Hair” string to access the correct property of the Hair object. Here is an example of how you could modify your code to do this:

local hair = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Hair["Hair" .. tostring(BackgroundColor3)]

With this change, the concatenation operation will produce a valid string that can be used to access the correct property of the Hair object. This should fix the error and allow your code to run correctly.

i changed my code to

local hair = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Hair["Hair" .. tostring(BackgroundColor3)]

and i get a different error, saying HairTerrain is not a valid member of Folder ReplicatedStorage.Hair

:WaitForChild() is your friend

lke this? i got an error saying infinite yield possible. THere are 6 different hairs inside of the hair folder. Each with a name like Hair1, Hair2, etc. until Hair6
I’m not quite sure how to wait for all of those children.

Here is what I get when I try to name all the children

is it archivable?

yes each hair is archivable as well as the folder

WaitForChild doesn’t accept multiple instance parameters.
Instead, try using multiple variables for them.

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local hair1 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair1" .. tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1) -- The 1 defines a timeout for WaitForChild, so if the hair does not exist, we don't spend forever trying to get it.
local hair2 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair2" .. tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
local hair3 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair3" .. tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
-- etc...

Then, when getting the hair,

if hair1 then
    -- insert code for hair1 here
if hair2 then
    -- insert code for hair2 here
-- and so on...

Haven’t tested, but would this work?

local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ColorChange
local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Hair
Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, ActionRemote, BackgroundColor3)
	local hair1 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair1" ..  tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
	local hair2 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair2" ..  tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
	local hair3 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair3" ..  tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
	local hair4 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair4" ..  tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
	local hair5 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair5" ..  tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
	local hair6 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair6" ..  tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
	local c = game.StarterGui.CustomizeGUI.ColourWheelGui.ColourDisplay.BackgroundColor3
	local dummy = game.Workspace.customizegui.l
	local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer
	if ActionRemote == "ChangeColor" then
		if hair1.Parent == dummy or hair1.Parent == char then
			hair1.BrickColor = c
		if hair2.Parent == dummy or hair2.Parent == char then
			hair2.BrickColor = c
		if hair3.Parent == dummy or hair3.Parent == char then
			hair3.BrickColor = c
		if hair4.Parent == dummy or hair4.Parent == char then
			hair4.BrickColor = c
		if hair5.Parent == dummy or hair5.Parent == char then
			hair5.BrickColor = c
		if hair6.Parent == dummy or hair6.Parent == char then
			hair6.BrickColor = c
		local x = game:GetService("StarterGui").CustomizeGUI.ColourWheelGui.ColourDisplay.BackgroundColor3
		x.Parent = hair1
		x.Parent = hair2
		x.Parent = hair3
		x.Parent = hair4
		x.Parent = hair5
		x.Parent = hair6

No, before checking hair1.Parent, first check if Hair1 exists

if hair1 and (hair1.Parent == dummy or hair1.Parent == char) then
    hair1.BrickColor = c
if hair2 and (hair2.Parent == dummy or hair2.Parent == char) then
    hair2.BrickColor = c
-- and so on
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I made a few changes, and now I get no errors, yet the hair color doesn’t change (I removed the hairs down to 3 hairs, this doesnt change the script functionality…

local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").HairColorChange
local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Hair
Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, ActionRemote, BackgroundColor3)
	local hair1 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair1" ..  tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
	local hair2 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair2" ..  tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
	local hair3 = rs:WaitForChild("Hair3" ..  tostring(BackgroundColor3), 1)
	local c = game.StarterGui.CustomizeGUI.ColourWheelGui.ColourDisplay.BackgroundColor3
	local dummy = game.Workspace.customizegui.l
	local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer
	if ActionRemote == "ChangeColor" then
		if hair1 and (hair1.Parent == dummy or hair1.Parent == char) then
			hair1.BrickColor = c
		if hair2 and (hair2.Parent == dummy or hair2.Parent == char) then
			hair2.BrickColor = c
		if hair3 and (hair3.Parent == dummy or hair3.Parent == char) then
			hair3.BrickColor = c
		local x = game:GetService("StarterGui").CustomizeGUI.ColourWheelGui.ColourDisplay.BackgroundColor3
		game.ReplicatedStorage.Hair.Hair1.Handle.Color = x
		game.ReplicatedStorage.Hair.Hair2.Handle.Color = x
		game.ReplicatedStorage.Hair.Hair3.Handle.Color = x

Also this may help, but here is my replicated storage…

Hard to pinpoint the exact issue, but maybe you are putting in a color3 value for the brickcolor?

Try changing it to the color, not the brickcolor.

I changed it to color, no error but doesn’t work…

I might have fixed your code

local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").HairColorChange
local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Hair
Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, ActionRemote, BackgroundColor3)
	local hair1 = char:WaitForChild("Hair1", 1)
	local hair2 = char:WaitForChild("Hair2", 1)
	local hair3 = char:WaitForChild("Hair3", 1)
	if ActionRemote == "ChangeColor" then
		local char = Player.Character
        local dummy = workspace.customizegui.l
		if hair1 and (hair1.Parent == dummy or hair1.Parent == char) then
			hair1.Color = BackgroundColor3
		if hair2 and (hair2.Parent == dummy or hair2.Parent == char) then
			hair2.Color = BackgroundColor3
		if hair3 and (hair3.Parent == dummy or hair3.Parent == char) then
			hair3.Color = BackgroundColor3

There were a few problems, the most notable being you tried to reference Players.LocalPlayer on the server, and you tried to reference StarterGUI to get the colors of the hairs.
Hope this works!