Script faster than parenting process

the weapon system I’m using doesn’t detect when a weapon is added by another script eg. Cloning.

It checks for a specific instance in the weapon when it is being added to the backpack, and checks if it’s a weapon or something else.

		local isweapon = t:FindFirstChild("IsWeapon") or t:FindFirstChild("Data")
		if not isweapon then

However my script, which clones the weapon to the backpack, breakes this system somehow, as it will always return, because the Instance needed to continue, is yet not cloned/parented to the Tool

			local Temp:Tool = FoundItem:Clone()
			Temp.Parent = Player.Backpack

Is there some way I can modify my script, without adding an wait() into the script of the weapon system?

Need more context.

If you’re scanning your tools upon Backpack.ChildAdded, when you parent your tool in your backpack after your IsWeapon or Data is parented to your tool, then these instances will exist.

I have no idea on how it’s checking for when a tool is added

	function Combat.AddWeapon(t)
		local isweapon = t:FindFirstChild("IsWeapon") or t:FindFirstChild("Data")
		if not isweapon then
		local Data = findweaponmodule(t.Name)
		if not Data or not Data:IsA("ModuleScript") then
		Data = require(Data)
		local combattype = Data.CombatType
		if combattype == "Gun" then
			return Combat.AddGun(t)
		elseif combattype == "Melee" then
			return Combat.AddMelee(t)

I just know that the weapons aren’t working because of this function, as when it scanns for the instances, they are not yet parented to the tool in the backpack

How do you have no idea, did you not make these scripts? I would recommend contacting the person who did to refer to my reply above.

The weapon system wasn’t made by me, and I don’t expect help from the original developer since they haven’t been responsive in the past.

I have actually just found on how it scanns for new added tools.


So when I parent the tool to the backpack, the function will fire, but to this point, the required instances are not yet parented to the tool also. So how would I have to fix it.

			local Temp:Tool = FoundItem:Clone()
			Temp.Parent = Player.Backpack

Maybe adding a wait before it’s checked if the instances exist, would fix this, but I tried doing that already, and it breakes the weapons also.

Again, a cloned tool will have all it’s contents already, it’s not an issue with parenting in this case. This means one of your conditions are failing, add prints to see where it stops.

Any errors?

Also what is findweaponmodule(), it seems like it might be problematic?

There’s no errors in the Output,
The problem is actually in the if statement at the beginning of the function

		local isweapon = t:FindFirstChild("IsWeapon") or t:FindFirstChild("Data")
		if not isweapon then
            --I put a print statement here

I did actually test it with the print statement, of when I equipped a weapon, it printed when it was parented to the backpack. the “IsWeapon” is parented to the tool also, and it works completely fine if put into starterpack

Maybe try :WaitForChild()? trhrtwhtrwh