I made this script for a tutorial npc, and he is supposed to make a frame with a quest pop up when you select a certain dialog option. This script is a localscript in StarterPlayerScripts.
pilot training.rbxl (259.0 KB)
local dialog = game.Workspace.Ryanthemudkip.Head.Dialog
local client = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
dialog.DialogChoiceSelected:Connect(function(player, choice)
if player ~= client then
if choice.Name == "Dialogchoice1"
game.StarterGui.quests.Quest1.Visible = true
Your player’s gui is not located in StarterGui once they join. Player’s gui is located in
Local Player → Player Gui
change that to
client.PlayerGui.quests.Quest1.Visible = true
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I tried this, but it still doesn’t appear. Thanks for the help
You also forgot to add a then
on this line
if choice.Name == "Dialogchoice1" --where's 'then'?
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I added it, but still don’t see it.
Is the dialog choice actually named “Dialogchoice1”? (case and spelling sensitive)
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Yes, it is. The path is complete correct.
Could you debug your own code to try and figure out why this isn’t working? Check for any console errors, then check what lines of your code are or aren’t running. You need to isolate the problem to better help yourself ask us for help, saying “it doesn’t work” is never sufficient enough explanation.
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Nothing appears in the console, and the code all seems to be correct. I’ve double checked for spelling and capitalization.
Is the UI within the screen region?
Is the UI not transparent?
If I manually make it visible, it is there.
Well, there’s not enough information for us to help you properly. At this point, uploading a demo place would be the best option.
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Edited the post with the file.
I said that the dialog name was case sensitive -_-
The object is named “DialogChoice1”, your script has “Dialogchoice1”
That’s strange, it’s capitalized correctly for me, but still doesn’t show up.
If you’ve made all the necessary changes I’ve mentioned, it should be working. It works fine for me.
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