Script has a chance of not being disconnected when parent is destroyed via serverside

I noticed my error analytics was full of errors and managed to get some of it to show up in studio for the first time ever.

There is a random chance of localscripts which were created on the clientside not being disconnected properly when the parent is destroye on the serverside.

A private message is associated with this bug report


This sounds like it’s working as intended?

The server can’t destroy any object created by the client, because it doesn’t know it exists (unless I’m not understanding the bug?)

The server is making the localscripts disconnect properly 99% of the time.

If it does work as intended, this behaviour should be very confusing.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Oh the parent is destroyed, by the server - got it.

That should disconnect, although it could be related to a reference being held? I know parenting localscripts to nil used to be a way to avoid having exploiters delete them - not sure how much of that is still around.