I’ve been working on my game and recently, after I updated the Auras/Effects script to make it easier on myself later on, it stopped working.
I also tried a few methods to fix this issue such as Debugging, researching on the Forums and Reddit, alternative sites, and so forth. But these did not fix the issue.
It’s been happening for a couple weeks, players are now complaining why the game isn’t working and it’s really getting annoying trying to fix. Assuming it might have to do with the phasesTable or trying to call the function.
-- @Zorgoths/Zoneriuz on RBLX (TKE: PhaseScript)
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RPS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local BadgeSer = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local TweenSer = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local AuraMod = require(RPS.Modules:FindFirstChild("ChangeAuraMod"))
local Container = script:FindFirstChild("CONTAINER")
local ConnectonsModule = require(Container:FindFirstChild("DeathConnectionsMod"))
local PhaseEvent = RPS.Events.GloveRemotes:FindFirstChild("KSPhaseEvent")
local SongCreditEvent = RPS.Events.Remotes:FindFirstChild("MusicCreditEvent")
local function copySound(sound, soundToCopy)
if not sound or not soundToCopy then return end
for _, property in pairs({"SoundId", "SoundGroup", "RollOffMaxDistance", "RollOffMinDistance",
"Volume", "PlaybackSpeed", "TimePosition", "Playing",
"Looped", "MaxDistance", "EmitterSize"}) do
sound[property] = soundToCopy[property]
local function findDummy(childName)
local Folder = RPS.Assets.GloveAssets.Killstreak
for _, child in pairs(Folder:GetChildren()) do
if child:IsA("Model") and child.Name == childName and child:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
return child
local function changeOverhead(char, name)
local overhead = char.Head.Overhead.Label
for _, child in pairs(overhead:GetChildren()) do
if child:IsA("UIGradient") and child.Name == name then
child.Enabled = true
elseif child:IsA("UIGradient") and child.Name ~= name then
child.Enabled = false
local function getPlrChar(player)
if player then
return player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local function creditSong(char)
local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) or warn("no player found", char.Name)
local HRP = char.PrimaryPart or char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or warn(player.Name.." does not have a HumanoidRootPart!", script.Name)
local song = HRP:FindFirstChildOfClass("Sound")
if song and song:GetAttribute("KSAURA") then
local author = song.Author or "Unknown"
local name = song.Song or "Unknown"
SongCreditEvent:FireClient(player, author, name)
local phasesTable = {
{name = "LilFire", kills = 1, nextKills = 2},
{name = "BigFire", kills = 2, nextKills = 3},
{name = "StrongFire", kills = 3, nextKills = 4},
{name = "P1", kills = 4, nextKills = 5},
{name = "P1_2", kills = 5, nextKills = 6},
{name = "P1_3", kills = 6, nextKills = 8},
{name = "P1_4", kills = 8, nextKills = 10},
{name = "P2", kills = 10, nextKills = 25},
{name = "P3", kills = 25, nextKills = 50},
{name = "P4", kills = 50, nextKills = 75},
{name = "P5", kills = 75, nextKills = 100},
{name = "P6", kills = 100, nextKills = 150},
{name = "P7", kills = 150, nextKills = 250},
{name = "P8", kills = 250, nextKills = 350},
{name = "P9", kills = 350, nextKills = 425},
{name = "P10", kills = 425, nextKills = 500},
{name = "P11", kills = 666, nextKills = 777},
{name = "P12", kills = 777, nextKills = 850},
{name = "P13", kills = 850, nextKills = 935},
{name = "P14", kills = 935, nextKills = 1000},
{name = "P15", kills = 1000, nextKills = 1001},
local function getPhase(kills)
for _, phase in ipairs(phasesTable) do
if kills >= phase.kills and kills < phase.nextKills then
return phase
warn("NO PHASE FOUND FOR KILLS: ", kills)
return {name = "P1", kills = 0, nextKills = 1}
local function handlePhase(char, phase)
if not phase then warn("NO PHASE FOUND!") return end
local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) or Players:FindFirstChild(char.Name)
local Char = getPlrChar(Player)
if not Char then
error("script errored to get character for player: ", Player.Name)
local Overhead = Char.Head:FindFirstChild("Overhead").Label
local Hum = Char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
local HRP = Char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or warn("No HumanoidRootPart", Player.Name)
local Killstreak = Char:FindFirstChild("Killstreak") or (Player.Backpack and Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Killstreak"))
local Glove = Killstreak.Glove
local Hitbox = Killstreak.GloveHitbox
local SlapSFX = Glove.SlapSFX
local PowerVal = Killstreak.Scripts.SlapHandler.Configuration.Power.Value
local GloveSpeed = Killstreak.Scripts.SlapHandler.Configuration.Timer.Value
if phase.Name == "LilFire" then
Glove.Oldfire.Rate = 2.35
elseif phase.Name == "BigFire" then
Glove.Oldfire.Rate = 4
PowerVal = 38
-- rest of the other phases here, yada yada ditto.
local function onBindEventFired(char, kills)
local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
if not player then warn("player not found for char", char.Name) return end
local currentPhase = getPhase(kills)
handlePhase(char, currentPhase)
-Module (Using ProcessReceipt module since the ToolsModule is too long)
local functionsModule = {}
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RPS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Events = RPS:WaitForChild("Events")
local Modules = RPS:WaitForChild("Modules")
local PassCheckModule = require(Modules:WaitForChild("GamepassOwnershipModule"))
function functionsModule:onKillsPurchased(player)
if not player then return false end
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
if not character then return false end
local backpack = player:FindFirstChildOfClass("Backpack")
local tool = character:FindFirstChild("Killstreak") or (backpack and backpack:FindFirstChild("Killstreak"))
if not tool then
warn("Killstreak tool not found for player:", player.Name)
return false
local killsValue = tool:FindFirstChild("Config") and tool.Config:FindFirstChild("KillsVal")
if not killsValue then
warn("KillsValue not found in tool configuration for player:", player.Name)
return false
local vfxEvent = RPS.Events.GloveRemotes:FindFirstChild("KillstreakVFXEvent")
local phaseEvent = RPS.Events.GloveRemotes:FindFirstChild("KSPhaseEvent")
local textEvent = RPS.Events.GloveRemotes:FindFirstChild("KSTextUpdEvent")
local totalKills = player.leaderstats and player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Total Kills")
local monthlyKills = player.leaderstats and player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Monthly Kills")
if not totalKills or not monthlyKills then
warn("Leaderstats not properly set up for player:", player.Name)
return false
local normAmt = 10
local passAmt = 20 / 1.5
local addAmount = PassCheckModule.CheckPassOwnership(player, 911579621) and passAmt or normAmt
for i = 1, addAmount do
killsValue.Value += 1
if character:FindFirstChild("Head") and character.Head:FindFirstChild("Overhead") then
character.Head.Overhead.Label.Text = tostring(killsValue.Value)
if phaseEvent then phaseEvent:Fire(character, killsValue.Value) end
if vfxEvent then vfxEvent:FireClient(player) end
if textEvent then textEvent:FireClient(player, killsValue.Value) end
return true
return FunctionsModule