Script keeps on duplicating Frame

local Remote = script:WaitForChild("Event")
	local GamePassIdObject = script:WaitForChild('GamePassId')
		if game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.userId, GamePassIdObject.Value) or char.Name == "Player1"  --[[or char.Name == "PlayerName" Example: or char.Name == "Evenous"]] then 
		local Gui = script.DRadio:Clone()
		Gui.Parent = player.PlayerGui.Main.Frame

the script doesn’t end here, there are other parts to the script that has to be kept, which means I cannot destroy the script. Is there a way to disable just this part of the script after it executes once? It keeps on duplicating the Frame every time a humanoid dies. (Sorry for the unorganized post, I really needed a quick reply.)

Is The ScreenGUI has Disabled ResetOnSpawn?
If Yes Then The ScreenGUI Will Not Be Reseted On Respawn And It Will Make More Frame Clones On When The Humanoid Dies.

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ResetOnSpawn is enabled in the GUI i clone the Frame into.

Nevermind what I just said. ResetOnSpawn was disabled, but I cannot enable it as it breaks the entire system. I need a different way.

Just Remove This Function and You Should Be Good

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You are adding GUI every time playe respawns because it is inside the function that is connected to Player.CharacterAdded event.
You can change it a bit like this so it doesn’t clone the frame like that:

local Remote = script:WaitForChild("Event")
	local GamePassIdObject = script:WaitForChild('GamePassId')
    if game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.userId, GamePassIdObject.Value) or player.Name == "Player1"  --[[or player.Name == "PlayerName" Example: or player.Name == "Evenous"]] then
		local Gui = script.DRadio:Clone()
		Gui.Parent = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("Main"):WaitForChild("Frame")

I’m getting an error.

It just means you forgot a closing bracket ), presumably your first end.

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When I close the first bracket, the ‘char’ part gets highlighted in orange, causing a weird bug where it says Main is not a child of Player.PlayerGui, when it clearly is.

Change char with player in the if statement and player.PlayerGui.Main.Frame with player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("Main"):WaitForChild("Frame") on the line 6 so code waits for required GUI objects to load.

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It worked! Thank you so much! :smiley: