Okay. So I’m following a tutorial a scripting tutorial. And I’ve recently encountered a issue. Every time I edit the script everything goes grey and I lag. Alot. Is this a bug do I have a virus? (Although I’d doubt it because this is a new baseplate. I’ve tried changing places/games etc) Or is this a technical bug. Please help!
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Make sure there aren’t any loops that look like this in your scripts:
while true do
Loops like that can cause a lot of lag.
I will try that now! Fingers crossed.
Don’t think there are any. He re’s the original script
Why do you need to put a spawn function? Maybe the spawn function is causing the lag.
i see that you used Phantom’s tutorial, his videos are alright but the scripts can sometimes be weird.
I reccomend watching @Alvin_Blox 's tutorial on how to make admin commands.
if table.find(Admins,plr.Name) then
local Args = msg:split(" ")
local cmd = Args[1]:split("/")
if require(Commands)[cmd[2]] then
local arguments = {}
for i = 2,#Args,1 do
Alright. Will try.
Can you show us what is inside of your modulescript?
It is due to a plugin. I deleted some plugins that I don’t need. Found out I had over 30 plugins. And all activated at once.
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