True, but Script Loader has no junky items in it(such as an script what says it’s an lava block and then the script is this: liagsjwvhdbabdvvrb hriisjejej. Script Loader has only working scripts and loads the script automatically where it needs, so no annoying models which had to be parented right. Script loader, as I already said, doesn’t have that in it, so it cost much less time to setup scripts.
this is a bad idea, this is for people who are noobs at scripting, it would’ve been better for killbrick scripts like this, and most scripts I grab from the toolbox doesn’t have viruses, if you find one, then remove it, nothing is stopping you
local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
for _, v in CollectionService:GetTagged("KillBricks") do
if v:IsA("BasePart") then
local character = hit.Parent
local humanoid = hit.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
if hit and character and humanoid then
humanoid.Health = 0
Thanks for your idea! I have released an updated version for the lava block, wich now makes it a bit more efficient, but with ID’s you mean just get an random toolbox model and get the id and insert it? That will make this plugin like useless, unless you do like that Script Loader scans all scripts to detect viruses, I may make that for next update!
I have an begin of what you want with the lava block. The script for damaging now goes through an module script, but I am working on just completely with 1 module script.
Why should it be free? I think because the fact that I spent some time scripting the scripts, making it work and adding cool updates to Script Loader, that’s why I think it’s good to have it paid
Roblox packages and developer modules don’t include some scripts and setups. Such as an Cmdr complete setup, this would else take some time to setup. For the scripts on the other hand, the scripts from Script Loader are a bit better then Roblox their scripts.
I’m sorry but not to mention all the other backslash from people here, the UI is less nice and honestly looks like a free robux scam. There’s also no reason for it to be paid as it literally just loads in free stuff you can already find online. Also, you did not create any of the stuff/scripts it is able to load. Honestly it seems like you spent 10 minutes making this and published it for 100 Robux. I’m sorry if you actually put work into it and you just didn’t see it wasn’t as usefull as you expected.
Please, do not quit your passion, but having this plugin paid is definitely not right.
I do not mean to hurt you and please let me know if I misunderstood anything!
If you want to make it paid and money, you can make some interesting stuff yourself, that is not possible to replicate through tutorials and does not already exist as free models - such as the killbrick script.
Those you say have “blahblah” code is actually real code. They have just been through an obfuscator, which basically makes the code unreadable so noone can look at how they made stuff. It is mostly used in free stuff, as they give the product for free but not the secret on how they made it.
Not even the length can be trusted when the code is obfuscated. One line could turn into 20.
As I already mentioned before, Script Loader also has much hard scripts and such as the setup for CMDR, wich takes long to setup. I will fix the ui in the next update, I will also spend some more time into it.
Thanks for your feedback!
No offense but the Ui is bad, the colors go together so badly, some text and images are overly big, every buttons text is another size, and why does the scroll bar have a border?
I love the theme idea where you can make your own but it could use some improvements.
Some ideas are:
better UI
settings for script (like in Realism Mod)
for stuff like kill brick and code that would be reused multiple times make it a server script that maybe checks parts from CollectionService