Script Loader (V3)


Script Loader
Welcome to Script Loader, what does this plugin do? Well good question! This plugin has pre-built scripts you can just load into your game, let’s say you want an lavablock with script, just press 1 button and it inserts, it is just that easy.

Why Script Loader
Why should I use Script Loader and not just the toolbox? Well, Script Loader has no virusses and is just an plugin what making games make it easier, since you just press 1 button and it is inserted.

Newest Update
This update contains:

  • Custom color support! In the settings, you can now set an RGB color code for your background
  • Cmdr has a been added to Script Loader!
  • Fixed the issue where Script Loader would create much ScriptLoader folders, check your ServerStorage and you can just delete all folders from Script Loader!
  • Screenshots of Script Loader are now refreshed!

Please note that this update was a bit lite because Script Loader recently already got an update.

Script Loader is 100R$, everyone who got it free, can keep it. Only new players who want to install it, have to pay the 100R$. Please note before commenting: it was free! Only because the succes, we made it paid.

Screenshots of Script Loader

Thanks for reading.

Get Script Loader

Cool ideas we are working on
Submitted by:@SubtotalAnt8185 Idea: Insert models from the toolbox with ID and it gets scanned by Script Loader. Thanks for your idea, it is coming soon!

Do you have any ideas for Script Loader? Comment your idea!


Yeah true, but with Script Loader you can just insert it instantly, with generative AI you have to wait before it shows ideas, so I think it is slightly better then generative AI

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Efficient games don’t put a killbrick script in every single killbrick, though.


This plugin serves almost no purpose, So you basicly compiled a bunch of scripts that can be inserted into games and that’s it?

This isn’t even efficient nor useffull, Usually when a developer wants core mechanics for his game he codes them himself thats why this resource is uselless, A developer wouldnt want to use a deffault melee system for his game, he would instead code this himself.

I mean this with all respect and not to be a jerk.

However I will tell you a cool thing you could do with your work, Developers usually want technical systems for games, so you could make a plugin that creates killbricks efficiently running on 1 single module scripts and maybe using better methods to register collisions since touched sucks.


So your idea is just discontinue this plugin?


He’s basically saying make it more like a module script to make everything better etc


Neat idea, but the toolbox exists.


Does this plugin explain the code that is being inserted into our game?


Very nice job! I presume you are new to coding, this is a great project for learning how to make plugins.

Try not to let others discourage you, it’s nice to see that you have made a fully functional custom toolbox. You should be proud!


well you know discouragement is essential to development. life isn’t unicorns and rainbows.


Yeah, I am new to coding plugins so I spent some days working on it, since it’s pretty hard to find what works with plug-in script and what not


Ohh, that sounds great! I think I will add that soon, thanks for the idea @CCTVStudios


No, but that’s something I am working on right now, like with comments and stuff to help new devs code games thereself, such as the licence script, it seems very hard for new coders, but it is easy to code, so I will add that soon. Thanks for your idea!


This plugin won’t be helpful you can just use i,v in pairs to detect all killable parts


I know the toolbox exists, but as I also mentioned in my post is that Script Loader has at first no virusses, as the toolbox contains random strange things wich can get you banned/terminated.


In the newest update, it does. If you have any more suggestions, please let me know.

Have a nice day!

but I just added some little scripts and stuff because I wanted to have it online as fast as possible. I will use that mechanic later, but for now I just use my own easy lava block.

Have a nice day!

Most scripts I grab from the toolbox don’t have viruses. If you find one, nothing is stopping you from simply removing it and looking for another resource. There are plenty of resources that exist that are clean of anything like this.

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so just without script in the lava scripts or with the settings in the module script and the function itself?

You are trying to make the OP do this: