I want the text to change when the game starts
Only Half of the text is changing
I tried looping it and wait()
No errors in output
After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!
local screen = game.Workspace.Screen.SurfaceGui.Frame
local stat = game.ReplicatedStorage.Stats
local max = stat.Max.Value
local feeder = stat.FeederSupplies.Value
local vehiclepart = stat.VehicleParts.Value
local treats = stat.Treats.Value
local meds = stat.Meds.Value
local machine = stat.Machinery.Value
local ammo = stat.Ammo.Value
local feedergui = screen.FeederSup
local vehiclegui = screen.Vehicle
local treatgui = screen.Treat
local medgui = screen.Med
local machinegui = screen.Machinery
local ammogui = screen.Ammo
while true do
feedergui.Text = "Feeder Supplies:"..feeder.."/"..max
vehiclegui.Text = "Vehicle Parts:"..vehiclepart.."/"..max
treatgui.Text = "Dinosaur Treats:"..treats.."/"..max
medgui.Text = "Medical Supplies:"..medgui.."/"..max
machinegui.Text = "Machinery:"..machinegui.."/"..max
ammogui.Text = "Ammunition:"..vehiclepart.."/"..max
My script is only changing half of the text of a part