Script not running / printing after task.wait()

The code lines:

		print(Player.Name.. ' won!')
		print(Arena.Prompt.ProximityPrompt.Enabled, Arena.Prompt.ProximityPrompt)
		Arena.Prompt.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true

		task.spawn(function() Player:LoadCharacter() end)
		task.spawn(function() Opponent:LoadCharacter() end)

Prints just the first line, and the second one is just forgotten and not printing even after 4 seconds.

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Could you send me the entire script?

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By any chance, is this wrapped in a pcall

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Yeah, it comes from a module script and i’ll also provide the script that runs it:

ArenaModule.ResetArena = function(Player, Opponent)
	print("Game ended.")
	local Arena = Player.CurrentArena.Value
	if Arena ~= nil then
		Arena.OpponentA.Value = nil
		Arena.OpponentB.Value = nil

		Player.CurrentArena.Value = nil
		Opponent.CurrentArena.Value = nil
		print(Player.Name.. ' won!')
		print(Arena.Prompt.ProximityPrompt.Enabled, Arena.Prompt.ProximityPrompt)
		Arena.Prompt.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true
		task.spawn(function() Player:LoadCharacter() end)
		task.spawn(function() Opponent:LoadCharacter() end)

the script is just:

ArenaModule.ResetArena(Player, Arena.OpponentB.Value)
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What happens when you remove task.wait()?

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It works, I just tried it and placed all the things that come after, before the task.wait, and it runs…

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Could you send the script that executes that function?

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Here you go, it’s inside the Character, and listens to their .Died, I would suppose it doesn’t run because 4 seconds elapse since the character died, but is the character dying really stopping a modulescript from running?

	local Arena = Player.CurrentArena.Value
	if Arena ~= nil then
		ArenaModule.ResetArena(Player, Arena.OpponentB.Value)
		Player.CurrentArena.Value = nil

I’ll try to change the task.wait to something shorter like 1 second and see…

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Changing the task.wait to one second instead of 4 seems to work, I guess the modulescript stops running even when the player has died. But instead of putting it to 1 second, i’ll just place the script outside character.

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