I have a script in Workspace that is to run when the Local Script under the PlayerGui enables it and the Bool value that makes the script know when to run. Although the Script isn’t running, I’ve used print to check everything and everything in the Local Script seems to be working, It says that it has Enabled the Script and It’s required Bool Value but every line of code in the script doesn’t run at all not even Print?
Local Script: (The whole script isn’t included only what is part of the “Minigame Function” )
-- Initiate Minigame Function
print("Intermission_Has_Finished.. true")
print("Minigame_Function_Starting.. true")
game.Workspace.Global_Functions.Minigame_Handler.Functions.Main_Function.Disabled = false
game.Workspace.Global_Functions.Minigame_Handler.Values.Run_Minigame_Selection.Value = true
if game.Workspace.Global_Functions.Minigame_Handler.Functions.Main_Function.Disabled == false and game.Workspace.Global_Functions.Minigame_Handler.Values.Run_Minigame_Selection.Value == true then
print("Minigame_Function_Disabled.. false")
script.Check_If_Player_Is_Loading.Disabled = true
script.Disabled = true
if script.Disabled == false then
print("Intermission_Primary_Function_Script.. Failed to Disable..")
-- Variables
local Value_Stores = script.Parent.Parent.Values
-- Code (Run mg)
if Value_Stores.Run_Minigame_Selection.Value == true then
-- Table (Selection)
local Minigames = {'Spleef', 'Laser_Tag', 'Road_Rage', 'Guessing_Mayhem', 'Remember_Flash', 'Maze', 'Bomb_Tag', 'Takeover'} --
local mg = Minigames[math.random(1, #Minigames)]
print("Selected Minigame:" , mg .. "..")
-- Prepare Minigame
if mg == "Spleef" then
-- Load Spleef
-- Change Part Transparency
for _, v in pairs(game.Workspace.Minigames.Spleef.Spleef:GetChildren()) do
v.Transparency = 0
if mg == "Laser_Tag" then
-- Load Laser_Tag
print("Current Minigame =" , mg)
if mg == "Road_Rage" then
-- Load Road_Rage
print("Current Minigame =" , mg)
if mg == "Guessing_Mayhem" then
-- Load Guessing_Mayhem
print("Current Minigame =" , mg)
if mg == "Remember_Flash" then
-- Load Remember_Flash
print("Current Minigame =" , mg)
if mg == "Maze" then
-- Load Maze
print("Current Minigame =" , mg)
if mg == "Bomb_Tag" then
-- Bomb_Tag
print("Current Minigame =" , mg)
This is probably a very easy fix or a little mistake I made but I’ve been trying to fix it for a while now and I can’t figure it out at all