Script not running

I am working on a game where you can buy, equip, spawn then destroy the spawned house with a hammer and get money for it. Houses are stored in ReplicatedStorage until spawned, then they are located in a folder named after the player in the Workspace.
Each house is a group, for example, DefaultHouse
inside of that group is a ClickDetector and a Script and then all the blocks the house is made of…
I thought the script would run when the house is spawned but it doesn’t run at all, like, ever. It ran only when I put the house in the workspace before play testing.
I think because the house is originally in the ReplicatedStorage the script doesn’t work

Here is the script:

local house = script.Parent
local healthValue ="IntValue")
healthValue.Name = "Health"
healthValue.Value = 100
healthValue.Parent = house
print("Script running")

-- Check if the script's parent's parent is in the Workspace
if house.Parent.Parent ~= game.Workspace then
    print("Script will only run if the house is in the Workspace")

local function onHouseClicked(player)
    print("House clicked:", house.Name)

    -- Check if the player is holding a hammer
    local character = player.Character
    if not character then
        print("Player character not found")

    local tool = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool")
    if not tool then
        print("Player is not holding a tool")

    print("Tool used:", tool.Name)

    -- Determine the damage based on the hammer used
    local damageAmount = 0
    local toolName = tool.Name

    if toolName == "DefaultHammer" then
        damageAmount = 10
    elseif toolName == "Hammer2" then
        damageAmount = 20
    elseif toolName == "Hammer3" then
        damageAmount = 30

    print("Damage amount:", damageAmount)

    -- Reduce the house's health
    if healthValue.Value > 0 then
        healthValue.Value = healthValue.Value - damageAmount

        if healthValue.Value <= 0 then
            -- House has been destroyed
            print(house.Name .. " has been destroyed!")
            print(house.Name .. " health reduced to " .. healthValue.Value)

-- Check if the house has a ClickDetector
local clickDetector = house:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector")
if clickDetector then
    -- Connect the click event to the onHouseClicked function
    print("ClickDetector not found in house:", house.Name)

How can I fix this?


Is it a Server script/Normal script or is it a Local script?


It is a normal script, the house is a group inside a folder called HouseFolder in ReplicatedStorage, then when spawned the house is a group inside a folder named after a player in Workspace

Okay, can you show me the script that puts the House in workspace?


There is a lot going in in it. Here you go

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local playerGui = player.PlayerGui

local spawnButton = playerGui.HouseSpawner.Frame.SPAWN
local frame1 = playerGui.HouseSpawner.Frame.SPAWN.Frame1
local frame2 = playerGui.HouseSpawner.Frame.SPAWN.Frame2
local houseClone = nil
local cooldownActive = false

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

-- Function to animate the color transition of a single frame
local function animateFrame(frame, startColor, endColor, duration)
	frame.BackgroundColor3 = startColor

	local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
	local tween = TweenService:Create(frame, tweenInfo, {BackgroundColor3 = endColor})


-- Function to animate the color transition of both frames simultaneously
local function animateColor(frame1, frame2, startColor1, startColor2, endColor1, endColor2, duration)
	animateFrame(frame1, startColor1, endColor1, duration)
	animateFrame(frame2, startColor2, endColor2, duration)

	-- Check if a cooldown is active
	if cooldownActive then
		warn("Cooldown is active. Please wait.")

	-- Check if a house is already spawned
	if houseClone and houseClone:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
		warn("A house is already spawned. Destroying the existing house...")

	-- Check if the player has an island assigned
	local character = player.Character
	if not character then
		warn("Character not found for player.")

	-- Find the MainPart of the player's island
	local islandMainPart = character:FindFirstChild("Island"):FindFirstChild("IslandTemplate"):FindFirstChild("HouseArea"):FindFirstChild("MainPart")
	if not islandMainPart then
		warn("Island's MainPart not found.")

	-- Get the equipped house folder from ReplicatedStorage
	local equippedHouseFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage.equippedHouse
	local playerHouseFolder = equippedHouseFolder:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
	if not playerHouseFolder or not playerHouseFolder:IsA("Folder") then
		warn("No equipped house found for the player.")

	-- Clone the player's house folder and place it on the island's MainPart
	houseClone = playerHouseFolder:Clone()
	houseClone.Parent = workspace

	-- Find the PrimaryPart within the cloned house folder
	local primaryPart = nil
	local function findPrimaryPart(folder)
		for _, child in ipairs(folder:GetDescendants()) do
			if child.Name == "PrimaryPart" and child:IsA("BasePart") then
				primaryPart = child


	if primaryPart then
		-- Calculate the offset between the house's PrimaryPart and the island's MainPart
		local offset = islandMainPart.Position - primaryPart.Position

		-- Reposition the entire house by applying the offset
		for _, part in ipairs(houseClone:GetDescendants()) do
			if part:IsA("BasePart") then
				part.Position = part.Position + offset

		-- Set the PrimaryPart's CFrame to the island's MainPart position
		primaryPart.CFrame = islandMainPart.CFrame

		-- Start the cooldown
		cooldownActive = true

		-- Random cooldown duration from 5 to 10 seconds
		local cooldownDuration = math.random(5, 10)

		-- Animate the color transition for both Frame1 and Frame2
		animateColor(frame1, frame2, Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), Color3.fromRGB(85, 255, 127), Color3.fromRGB(75, 227, 110), cooldownDuration)


		-- Reset the color of Frame1 and Frame2
		frame1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(85, 255, 127)
		frame2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(75, 227, 110)

		-- Reset the cooldown
		cooldownActive = false
		warn("PrimaryPart not found or not a BasePart in the equipped house folder.")

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Try making the Script disabled by default, and then Enable the script when spawning the house.

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To explain my game a bit more: every player spawns with their own island on which they can spawn the houses they bought and equipped in the store using a “SPAWN” GUI button in the corner of their screen

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How would that help with the script I’m working on right now? I will try that but I don’t see how it would help the script inside the house group not working

This is pretty weird. Is the house spawning in fine? No errors? Try changing the RunContext property of the script to Server.

The house spawns completely fine, but the script inside the house isn’t working at all, I even put a print at the start and it didn’t give any outputs

It looks like the spawning-in script is a Localscript. The problem is, the house needs to be cloned on the server, otherwise server-scripts will not run.

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Amazing :confused:
Would it be easier to just make a script for my hammer, when player clicks check for what the hammer is touching and then if it is one of the houses reduce health for that house and destroy it when the houses health reaches 0? I made something similar last year:

local tool = script.Parent
local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
local sound = game.Workspace.SoundBreak


function touch(hit)   --calls the function then if tool is activated check what it hit then do the following
	if script.Parent.Swing.Value == true then
		if hit.Name == "Smooth Block Model" then   --IMPORTANT FOR THIS GAME, EVERYTHING IN "" IS DESTRUCTIBLE 
			player.leaderstats.Cash.Value = player.leaderstats.Cash.Value + 5
			print("U cant destroy this.")


this would break blocks when they touch the hammer

I don’t know what you are talking about. If the spawning-house-in code is in a Localscript, then:

  1. Nobody else will see it except the person who owns the house
  2. Server-scripts placed under the house won’t run because, well, they need the server

In order to solve those two problems, you need to spawn the house in on the server with a server-script.

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Ahh I understand, I will try to fix that script rn

You could use a RemoteEvent to delete house on the server.

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But wait, if I am working with a GUI that spawns those houses doesn’t it mean that the scripts have to be LocalScripts? This is the only game I ever tried making so I don’t really know much

To do this, you need to use a RemoteEvent:

I recommend you read up on these:

Basically, you need to fire a RemoteEvent from a Localscript, then a server-script will need to listen for that event and spawn in the house.

I was thinking about it, I used remote events for it in my last attempt of making this game

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Alright I will try that right now!

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